Aggregate Inventory Transactions per Period


This activity is used to update the system's statistical tables. The inventory statistics are based on inventory transactions, and the result is divided into statistical periods defined in the Statistic Periods window. Statistics are updated based on transactions that occur between the current date and previous activity date of updating inventory part statistics.

The Default feature enables you to use the default settings. Default settings are derived from the Database Tasks window set by the administrator.


System Effects


Aggregate Inventory Transactions per Period

Related Window Descriptions

Aggregate Inventory Transactions per Period


You can either aggregate inventory transactions per period directly (procedure A), or schedule the task as a background job (procedure B).

A. To aggregate inventory transactions per period directly:

  1. Open the Aggregate Inventory Transactions per Period dialog box. 
  2. Enter a value in the To Date field indicating up to when the transaction statistics should be aggregated. If the task is scheduled, then enter a value in the Execution Offset field indicating the number of offset days ahead of the scheduled date.
  3. Use the existing value in the Site field or enter a new value. Click List to select one from the List of Values if required.
  4. If all the necessary selection criteria have been defined, click OK to complete the operation. 

Note: Click Default if you want to use the default settings. 

B. To schedule the aggregate inventory transactions per period task as a background job:

  1. Click Schedule to open the New Database Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as desired and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in Scheduled Database Tasks window.