Enter Packing Instruction


This activity is used to create and maintain packing instructions. This task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person.

To build a structure, use the upper table on the General tab. The first node entered will become the root node. However, to build an n-level structure, just create a new record and connect the nodes to each other using the parent node field or get the connection to the parent automatically by using the Add Sub Handling Unit option. The lower part of the table can be used to add one or several handling unit accessories per node. The check boxes in the upper table can be used to define a number of characteristics which are used when the packing instruction is either manually or automatically applied in the customer order shipment process. 


System Effects


Packing Instruction

Related Window Descriptions

Packing Instruction


  1. Open the Packing Instruction window and create a new record.
  2. In the Packing Instruction field, enter an ID, using no more than 50 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Enter a description for the packing instruction and then click Save.
  4. Create a new record in the upper table on the General tab.
  5. Enter a handling unit type or search for it using the List of Values.
  6. Enter 1 in the No of Units field.
  7. Save your changes.

Note: You have now created a packing instruction consisting of one node; a root node. A packing instruction can only have one root node.

To add more nodes, optionally, follow steps 8-12.

  1. Create a new record in the upper table on the General tab. A new record can be created manually or by right-clicking and then clicking Add Sub-Handling Unit
  2. Enter a handling unit type or search for it using the List of Values.
  3. Enter the number of units.
  4. If the new record is created manually you must enter a parent node or search for it using the List of Values. If you use the Add Sub-Handling Unit option in step 8, the line will automatically be connected to the parent node.
  5. Save your changes.

Note: By following steps 8-12 repeatedly, you can create an n-level structure.

To add one or several handling unit accessories per node, follow these optional steps:

  1. Select one of your rows in the upper part of the table.
  2. Create a new record in the lower part of the table.
  3. Enter a handling unit accessory or search for it using the List of Values.
  4. Enter a quantity.
  5. Save your changes.

Note: You can also add one or several characteristics to your packing instruction using the check boxes in the upper part of the table.