Set Task to Work Done


This activity is used to set a task with the distribution type Simplified Work Order to the Work Done status. This status is used to indicate that all operations on the task have reached the Work Done status or a status higher to it.

Note: For tasks with distribution types Work Order and Execution Logic Structure, the status of the task will be set automatically to Work Done when the last operation on the task is set to work done.

If the task which you will set to the Work Done status is connected to a service quotation for which an emergent work percentage is specified, the system will calculate the emerging work amount and raise an information message if the currently used emergent work exceeds 90% of the specified emergent work from the quotation. It is recommended that you evaluate emergent work at this time so as to avoid, for instance a situation where a medium to large task is about to start and the used emergent work percentage is already over 90%. Here, the Allowed emergent work amount is calculated as all emergent work on the quotation where the task is registered and will be equal to the value entered in the Emergent Work field found in the Service Quotation/Quotation Totals tab. To calculate the Currently used emergent work amount the system goes through all maintenance orders that are connected to the quotation and identifies all non routine tasks in the Work Done status or higher which are not in the quoted scope of the quotation. It will then summarize the prices for transactions belonging to these tasks and if the result is 90% or higher raise the relevant information message.


To perform this activity, the task must be in the Started status. To manually set the task to the Work Done status, the distribution type for the task must be Simplified Work Order.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the task is set to the Work Done status.


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details
Maintenance Order/Included Tasks


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order with the distribution type Simplified Work Order.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab.
  3. In the graphical object structure shown on the left, select the task you want. The Task Details tab will be updated with information on the task.
  4. Right-click, point to Status and then click Work Done.
  5. Observe that the status of the task is changed to Work Done.

Note: It is also possible set the status of a task to Work Done in the Maintenance Order/Included Tasks tab by using the above-mentioned Status feature.