Kanban Circuit

[About Kanban Circuits]

[To Repetitive Manufacturing]


Use this window and its tabs to create, revise, and view detailed information about Kanban circuits and the Kanban cards with which they are associated. You can perform a query to retrieve the Kanban circuits you want to view. Enter information about the replenishment source, replenishment location, demand information, and calculation preferences for each part. The system creates and prints Kanban cards for use on the shop floor as visual replenishment signals. You can use only company-owned stock with Kanban circuits.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Detail, Calculation Inputs, Recalculation, History, Cards, Card Details.

Activity Diagrams

Kanban planning
Manage kanban cards


Activate kanban circuit
Accept kanban calculations
Audit kanban circuit
Collect and remove obsolete cards
Place circuit on hold
Perform kanban calculations
Retrieve demands
Perform kanban simulation
Regenerate cards
Print and deploy kanban cards
View kanban calculation/simulation results