Create Customer Self-Billing Invoice


This activity is used to create a customer self-billing invoice header. The header contains details about the customer as well as invoice-specific information. The lines are added through the Add Lines activity.

Note that when you automatically or manually match lines of an incoming self-billing invoice, a customer self-billing invoice with the corresponding lines will be automatically created. Therefore, this activity needs to be performed if the customer does not use incoming self-billing invoice messages to send the invoice information. 


The customer must have been entered in the system. 

System Effects

A Customer Self-billing Invoice header will be entered and set to the Preliminary status. 

Note: The invoice fee will not be considered when creating a Customer Self-Billing Invoice.


Customer Self-Billing Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Self-Billing Invoice


To enter a self-billing invoice header:

  1. Open the Customer Self-Billing Invoice window.
  2. Create a new record. The default company and date will appear.
  3. In the Customer field, enter or select a customer ID from the List of Values. The customer name appears automatically.
  4. Optionally, you can enter a self billing reference number in the SB Reference No: field.
  5. Save the record.