Register Physical and Personality Characteristics


Use this function to define physical and personality characteristics used, for example, in defining a job specification. Functions in the first and second tab windows define the physical and personality characteristics. The third tab window's function is to set the qualitative level that is needed for specifying basic requirements for that job function. The qualitative levels are used in several processes including those for Physical and Personality Characteristics.

If Qualitative is set under Measurement Method in either the Physical or Personality Characteristics tab window, it is necessary to define Qualitative Measurement Level and Qualitative Measurement Rank. Rank items from the lowest (1) to the highest number. The Measurement Rank can be manually changed for a selected record by using the right mouse button.





Related Window Descriptions



  1. Select New in either the Physical or Personality Characteristics tab window. Follow the procedures below by switching between the Physical Characteristics window and the Personality Characteristics window.
  2. Enter information in the fields for Physical Characteristic Name, Physical Characteristic Description, Personality Characteristic Name and Personality Characteristic Description.
  3. Use the list box to select a Measurement Method. Choose among the following predefined options: Quantitative, Qualitative or Yes/No.
  4. Save.
  5. Select New in the Qualitative Measurement tab window.
  6. Fill in a Qualitative Measurement Level and a Qualitative Measurement Description. The qualitative measurement rankings are automatically assigned sequence numbers similar to those for the qualitative measurement.
  7. Save.
  8. You can change the order of the education level by using the right mouse button to open the dialog box Ranking Qualitative Measurement.
  9. Select the level you want to change and use the up and down buttons to change the ranking.
  10. Click the OK button to accept the changes or click Cancel to undo the changes.