Sell FA Object


This activity is used to enter information about one or more fixed asset objects which has been sold.


Before sale of an object, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the object status is changed to Sold and the Disposal Date in the General Tab will be changed to the sales date. The disposal date (sales date) of the object cannot be before the latest acquisition event date of the object. If the object is connected to one or several books then the disposal principle of the depreciation method per book determines whether the depreciations with an event date later than the disposal date is allowed to have values or not.  A voucher is created with postings in connection with the sale.



Related Window Descriptions

Depreciation Method
Fixed Assets Books
Sell Object


Use the following procedure to sell a fixed asset: 

  1. Open the Objects or Object window.
  2. Find the object(s) to be entered as sold.
  3. Select the Sell Object operation.
  4. Specify the sales amount in accounting currency in Amount field and sales amount in parallel currency in the Amount in Parallel Currency field. (Note: The Amount in Parallel Currency field is editable only if the company uses Parallel Currency functionality.)
  5. Specify the sales date and voucher date. The sales date controls when the object is de-listed from IFS/Fixed Assets, while the voucher date controls during which period the event is to be posted to the general ledger or Internal Ledger. Note: The sales date must not be before the latest acquisition date shown in the window.
  6. Check that voucher type and user group are correct.
  7. Use the List of Values to select a value for the Disposal Reason field.
  8. Click Save. An information message will be raised asking you whether a check should be performed on the selected object(s) with respect to depreciation.
  9. Click Yes if you require a check to be done. Note: If all the depreciations have been performed based on the disposal principle of the depreciation method then the sell operation continues. If not another information message will be raised asking to interrupt the process in order to perform the missing depreciations . Click Yes to continue.
  10. Click No to sell the object without checking for the missing depreciations.