Follow-up, General Ledger

The Follow-up, General Ledger process model contains activities for retrieving information from the general ledger via fixed reports and queries. The reports can be both previewed on the screen and printed. The query windows are used for displaying information on the screen. The information in a query window cannot be changed.

Basic Data Requirements (BDR) for Authority

An authority function makes it possible to block and/or permit users to query or print reports on certain code strings. Before using the queries or printing the reports, the user must define authority classes, enter illegal and/or legal code strings for each authority class, and enter an authority class for each user. These functions can be found in the Authority folder in IFS/General Ledger.

Basic Data Requirements (BDR) for Structure

A query and reporting structure can for example consist of a division of an entire company into various cost centers depending on geographical position. It is used for retrieving general ledger information on a level basis and/or on a node basis. A query and reporting structure can be copied within the company.


The Queries folder in IFS/General Ledger contains several functions for retrieving information from the general ledger. When using the query windows, you can search on all available fields and use the general search functions in IFS Applications. It is possible to display the description connected to a code part value by clicking in the code part field in the query windows, except for GL Vouchers Analysis. The description is then displayed in a separate field.

The Voucher Information operation makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows. The balances can also be compared to a budget version. The Zoom-in button is used to display the balance information on several or fewer code parts.
  • GL Committed Cost Balance Analysis. This query window can be used as a complement to GL Balance Analysis. You can retrieve information from the general ledger together with predicted costs. The query can be used to analyze committed costs from both purchase requisition and purchase orders.
  • GL Vouchers Analysis. This query window is used to display voucher header information for the vouchers in the general ledger and in the hold table. Each voucher is represented by a line in the window.
  • GL Voucher Rows Analysis. This query window is used to view information on the voucher rows in a voucher. The information comes from the voucher rows. You can view both updated and non-updated vouchers in the same window.
  • GL Voucher Details Analysis. This query window is used to view detailed information on the voucher rows. The information comes from both the voucher header and the voucher rows. You can view both updated and non-updated vouchers in the same window.
  • Projects Analysis. This query window is used to view project balance information on a number of projects simultaneously. The Voucher Information operation makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows. The project balances can also be compared to a budget version. The Zoom-in button is used to display the balance information on several or fewer code parts.
  • Project Analysis. This query window is used to view detailed project balance information. Projects are displayed one at a time. The Voucher Information operation makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows. The project balances can also be compared to a budget version. The Zoom-in button is used to display the balance information on several or fewer code parts.
  • Structure Project Analysis. This query window is used to view balances on projects in the general ledger through a query and reporting structure. You can display information on one or more of these structures. You can also view project balances on a specific level or on a specific node in the structure.   The Voucher Information operation makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows. The Zoom-in button is used to display the balance information on several or fewer code parts.
  • GL Structure Balance Analysis. This query window is used to view balances in the general ledger via a query and reporting structure. Information on one or more structures can be displayed in the window, depending on the structures selected. You can view balances on a specific level or on a node in the structure, as well as compare the balances with a budget version. The Voucher Information operation makes it possible to break down a balance on a code string into voucher rows. The Zoom-in button is used to display the balance information on several or fewer code parts.
  • Reports

    The Reports folder in IFS/General Ledger contains functions used to print various types of transaction and balance reports from the general ledger. These fixed reports can also be printed via Info Services/Order Report.

    The Reports folder contains the dialog boxes for the following reports:

    The opening balance, all transactions within the selected period interval, and the closing balance are shown for each account selected.
  • GL Voucher Detail Report
  • . The report shows voucher information either for
    updated vouchers or vouchers in the hold table. The report displays detailed voucher information from both the voucher header and the voucher rows.
  • General Ledger Report with Counter Account. The report shows details of voucher accounts and their counter accounts. The report displays the transaction total, opening balance and closing balance for every voucher account and its counter account.
  • General Ledger Transaction Report. The report shows information on transactions from the general ledger. A maximum of five code parts can be printed. You can either view all transactions or the totals for the code parts. The report also displays opening and closing balances, the total for the current code string combination, and the total for the entire report.
  • Project Balance Report
  • . The report shows project balances from the project accounting.
    The project balances can also be compared to a budget version.
  • Period Allocation Reconciliation Report. The report shows the period allocation transactions per allocation account, i.e., the allocation transactions that have not been finally posted.
  • Unmatched Transactions Report. The report shows unmatched and preliminary matched transactions.
  • Accounting Journal Report. The journal report is a list of all transactions for all Voucher Types/Function Groups, sorted by voucher date and by voucher number. You can choose to print this as a summarized report or as a detailed report.  
  • If IFS/Report Generator has been installed with IFS/General Ledger, a number of report templates are installed automatically. These standard templates can be displayed in Report Templates

    IFS Business Analytics can be used to create and analyze information based on General Ledger balances/transactions and Project balances/transactions available in IFS Applications. For more information refer About Information Sources in IFS Business Analytics.