This activity is used to create a data column in a column template. A data column is used for retrieving data from various data sources. A column template must include at least one data column.
In the General tab, the data source is specified, and the budget version as well if applicable. The period for the corresponding data can be either fixed or relative.
In the Selections tab, specify the information you want to retrieve from the data source. This limits the row template selections for this specific column. This is done via the objects code part, account group, consolidation account, structure, account type, attribute or balance amount. A selection is defined via operators, e.g., < or >. For each selection, specify whether the information matching the criteria is to be included or excluded.
Selections can be specified in a data column in the column template, in a data row in the row template, and in the report template. If selections are specified in two or three templates, only the information matching all criteria is printed.
The Layout tab is used for specifying information that is not retrieved from the database, e.g., the font style and justification of the column.
In order to perform this activity, you must have created, copied, or imported a column template.
As a result of this activity, a data column is added to the column template.
Use the following procedure to create a new data column: