Fill in Travel Expense Header


Use this function to register all basic data information for your expenses. A unique Trans ID number identifies each expense form. The expense form is always connected to one employee and also to one company.

The expense sheet can be connected to a project activity or work order, but it is possible to override this on each expense row.


Before registering the expense form header, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you can fill in the tabs with information.


Expense Sheet

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Sheet


  1. Select New, if you want to register a new form. Choose Populate/Query if you want to view previously registered forms.
  2. Enter information in the fields.
  3. When registering the Advance Amount field in the expense form, the amount to be paid out to the employee will automatically be reduced in the Total Balance field.
  4. Specify the project and project activity you want to connect with your expenses. Use the List of Values to see the available projects.
  5. The system will automatically calculate allowances when you have registered the mandatory fields, Employee No, Start and End date, and Save, in the expense form header.
  6. If the ACCSHORTOV property code is enabled for your company, you can use the Accommodation check box to specify if you were on a short overnight trip. In some regions, short overnight trips award different allowances than normal trips.
  7. Select Save before you close the window.

Note: Depending on whether you have marked the checkbox Abroad, the columns in this window will be increased. The Route tab will not be seen if the Abroad checkbox is not marked.