Export License


The Export Control functionality identifies if an export license would be needed in a certain flow as specified by the Export Control Basic Data/System Parameters tab. This helps the user to find and connect an export license to each of the affected parts and/or components thus minimizing the risk of handling parts without the necessary documentation.


Each part that are export-controlled needs to be identified, classified and approved in the part catalog and, for purchased parts, also in the supplier for purchased parts. The export license, specified by the supplier and/or by the issuing authority, should be entered in the export license record including identified restrictions and limited usage, e.g. on order site, supplier, customer, end user, end usage etc.

Order Flow

When processing a purchase, customer or shop order, the system will analyze the entered part and its components to see if they are subjected to export license restrictions and then inform the user that license(s) are needed, and also display possible existing and valid licenses that could be connected to this order.

In the order flow, when releasing an order line and when the appropriate system parameter as enabled in the Export Control Basic Data/System Parameters tab, the system will verify if a part is export-controlled and at that time create the find and connect export license object.
Note: If the appropriate system parameter is changed after the order release, then it has no effect on the already released order lines, and if a part is reclassified then you need to open the Find and Connect Export License window and click Find Export License.

In the purchase and shop order flow, the system will just inform that an export license is needed without any flow stops, while in the customer order flow all parts that require a license must have a license connected to allow the customer order to proceed to picked, unless the user has the Override License Connection set in the Export Control Basic Data/Authorization tab, in which case the order will proceed without any stop.

Matching Part on an Order Line and Export License

The part, on the part catalog and on the supplier for purchase part, must be export-controlled with an identified and approved export control code. The export license must be approved with valid effective date, a Coverage tab that match the part settings, and the site, supplier, customer, forwarder, end user and end usage data inherited from the order and identified in the find and connect export license must match the corresponding data in the export license, where a %-sign implies any value.

When matching a supplier for purchase part, the system uses possible information entered in the Find and Connect/Supplier tab to identify the supplier for the top part entered on the order. Otherwise, and for any components in a structure, the system first looks for approved export control code for the primary supplier. If there no approved codes, then it looks for any supplier for the wanted part that has an approved export control code.

A license would be needed for parts that have an export control code with the License Needed selected. However, a part that has the dual check box selected would require a license regardless of the license needed setting, only if the top part on the order line has the License Needed selected. If the top part does not require a license, then parts with the dual check box selected will not require a license.

If a part has the same classification scheme as the top part, then this part does not require a license, even though the parts classification has the License Needed selected.

When matching the unit of measure (UoM), the system will identify any UoM that is possible to recalculate as per the ISO Code Definition and then also recalculate. For instance, if the part has a UoM in lb (pounds) and the coverage UoM in kg, the system will identify this as a match, and also recalculate the lb into kg before updating the coverage.

Tips: Initially a % sign could be used on the restrictions tabs in the export license to indicate any value, just to make sure that the license is found and then adding more and more restrictions by replacing the % sign with realistic values.
