IFS Financials Information Sources

Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured and holds information about a specific transaction table in IFS Applications. Currently there are 26 information sources based on IFS Financials. One or many of these information sources can be used when creating an IFS Business Analytics report.

An overview of each information source mainly based on IFS Financials is given below:

Budget Drivers

General Description

Budget Drivers information source is based on IFS\Budget Process. This information source carries the values for budget drivers that are used in driver-based budgeting processes. This information source can be used to design reports based on budget driver values that are entered in a budget template in IFS Budget Process functionality. These budget driver values can then be modified and written back to IFS Applications. The budget driver values can also be used to arrive at budgeted amounts for certain costs/revenues that are to be written back to IFS Applications through Budget Template Transactions information source.

The budget user roles which are defined when entering budget process basic data will be applicable when accessing and writing back budget driver values through Budget Drivers information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Enabled for currency amount, quantity and row comment measure/light items.

URL navigation: To the Budget Template window in Financials/Budget Process.

Access Types

Online, DataMart

Budget Template Transaction

General Description

Budget Template Transaction information source is based on IFS/Budget Process. This information source can be used to design reports based on transactions in budget templates which are connected to budget processes. Information in the report can be modified and these modified values can be written back to IFS Applications. The budget user roles that are defined in the Budget Process Basic Data will be applicable when accessing and writing back budget amounts through Budget Template Transactions information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Enabled for currency amount, quantity and row comment measure/light items.

URL navigation: To the Budget Template window in Financials/Budget Process.

Access Types

Online, DataMart

Currency Rate

General Description

Currency Rate information source is based on IFS\Accounting Rules\Currency. This information source can be used to design reports using Currency Rate information.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Currency Rates window in Accounting Rules/Currency.

Access Types

Online, DataMart

Cash Flow Forecast

General Description

Cash Flow Forecast information source is based on IFS/Cash Flow Analysis. The cash flow forecast information created in IFS Applications can be accessed through Cash Flow Forecast information source in order to carry out comparisons, trend analysis and cash flow planning activities. It is possible to modify manual cash flow forecast information in a Business Analytics report and write them back to the selected cash flow forecast in IFS Applications.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Enabled for currency amount, currency code and event date measure items.

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types


Customer Credit Management

General Description

Customer Credit Management information source is based on IFS\Customer Credit Management. This information source can be used to design reports on customer credit and debt collection.

In order to get up to date information, customer credit information must be calculated from the Calculate Customer Credit Information dialog box.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Available on ‘Total Sales’ measure item. Drills down to Customer Invoices information source.

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Customer Credit Analysis window in Financials/Customer Credit Management.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Customer Invoices

General Description

Customer Invoices information source is based on IFS\Customer Invoices. This information source can be used to design reports and queries about customers and customer invoices. The customer invoice amount and tax amount in transaction currency and accounting currency together with open amount for invoices can be analyzed in different dimensions such as company, customer, invoice type, and the code string.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1:To Customer Invoices Analysis window in Financials/Customer Invoice/Analysis.

URL navigation 2: To Customer Invoice Postings Analysis in Financials/Customer Invoice/Analysis.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note : Reporting Period dimension connected to Invoice Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Customer invoice and payment analysis based on pre-defined reporting periods.

Customer Open Balance

General Description

Customer Open Balance information source is based on customer open balance history information generated in Financials/Accounts Receivables/Analysis. Customer open balance history can be created with user-defined time intervals. This information source has information about open amounts per customer invoices and can be analyzed based on customer, company, invoice types, currency, code string and project etc.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures.

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types


Customer Payments

General Description

Customer Payments information source is based on IFS/Payments. This information source can be used to generate queries and reports on customer payments at an abstract level of total payments. The transaction level of customer payments can be assessed using Customer Payment Transactions information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: To Customer Payment Transactions

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Customer Payments Analysis window in Financials/Cash Book/Analysis

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note: Reporting Period dimension connected to Payment Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Customer invoice and payment analysis based on pre-defined reporting periods.

Customer Payment Transaction

General Description

Customer Payment Transactions information source is based on IFS/Payments. This information source can be used to generate queries and reports at the transaction level of the customer payments, combined with customer and invoice information. Interest and fine, write-off, deductions, discounts, and currency difference related information are also available in this information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Customer Payment Analysis window in Financials/Cash Book/Analysis

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note: Reporting Period dimension connected to Payment Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Customer invoice and payment analysis based on predefined reporting periods.

General Ledger Balance

General Description

General Ledger Balance information source is mainly based on IFS/General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on general ledger balances in accounting currency, transaction currency, and parallel currency for any accounting period, account and/or code parts. Quantity analysis based on accounts and code parts can also be performed. Detailed balance analysis can be carried out based on projects as well. In order to analyze the balances further the drill down feature can be used where the general ledger balance can be drilled down up to the related general ledger voucher rows in the IFS Applications.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: To General Ledger Transactions

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Balance Set Analysis

General Description

GL Balance Set Analysis information source is based on IFS/General Ledger, Budget Process and IFS General Ledger Period Budgets. This information source can be used to design reports based on transactions in General Ledger, Budget Transactions which are connected to budget processes and General Ledger periodic budget amounts. The report will retrieve data according to the configuration set by the BI GL Balance Set Analysis Configuration in the IFS Applications. User can predefine which information should be retrieved to each accounting period using the BI GL Balance Set Configuration, using the three Balance Set Source Types, Actuals, Budget Version or Budget Process . The reports created using this information source ideally can be used to display actuals (GL Balance) and budgeted (Period Budgets and/or Budget Process) values and to directly identify the variances.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not Available

Writeback: Not Available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Period Budget

General Description

General Ledger Period Budget information source is mainly based on IFS/General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on general ledger periodic budget amounts in accounting currency and parallel currency with quantities for any budget version. Analysis can be extended to include accounts and other code parts including projects.


Used in combination with GL Balance information source for Variance Analysis

Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Project Transaction

General Description

General Ledger Project Transaction information source is mainly based on IFS /General Ledger - Project Accounting. This information source can be used to design reports based on general ledger transactions related to projects. These transactions can be analyzed based on accounting currency amounts, transaction currency amounts and parallel currency amounts for any accounting period. If you need to analyze project transactions for each project group or project type, it is possible to do so using this information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1: To GL Voucher Rows Analysis window in Financials/ General Ledger.

URL navigation 2: To GL Voucher Details Analysis window in Financials/General Ledger.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Project Balance

General Description

General Ledger Project Balance information source is mainly based on IFS/General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on general ledger balances in accounting currency, transaction currency, and parallel currency with or without quantity balances for any accounting period for each accounting project. Reports can be further analyzed based on accounts and other code parts.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Project Cost/Revenue Balance

General Description

General Ledger Project Cost/Revenue Balance information source is mainly based on IFS/General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on cost and revenue balance amounts for projects in accounting currency, transaction currency and parallel currency for any accounting period. In order to analyze the balances in detail, the drill down feature can be used where project cost/revenue balances can be drilled down up to project cost/revenue transactions.


Project cost/revenue balance analysis

Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: To General Ledger Cost/Revenue Transactions information source

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Project Cost/Revenue Transaction

General Description

General Ledger Project Cost/Revenue Transaction information source is mainly based on IFS/ General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports to analyze project cost and revenue type transaction amounts in accounting currency, transaction currency and parallel currency for any accounting project. These amounts can be analyzed based on accounting periods, accounts, code parts, journal numbers, voucher types and voucher numbers.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1: To GL Voucher Rows Analysis window in Financials/ General Ledger

URL navigation 2: To GL Voucher Details Analysis window in Financials/General Ledger.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Snapshot Balance

General Description

General Ledger Snapshot Balance information source is based on Snapshot Consolidation of GL Balances in IFS/Consolidated Accounts. This information source consists of a snapshot of consolidated general ledger balances in a group of companies. Since this is only a snapshot, this information should not be used for legal reporting purposes. Snapshot balances should be used for internal corporate analysis purposes. General Ledger balances transferred from subsidiary companies to parent company during IFS/Consolidated Accounts can be accessed through General Ledger information source.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Snapshot Period Budget

General Description

General Ledger Snapshot Period Budget information source is based on Snapshot Consolidation of GL Budget in IFS/Consolidated Accounts. This information source consists of a snapshot of consolidated GL budget amounts in a group of companies. The snapshot of budget amounts from subsidiary companies can be used along with snapshot of GL balances from subsidiary companies to compare actual financial performance against the budget.


Snapshot variance analysis of consolidated GL balances of a group of companies (together with GL Snapshot Balance information source)

Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

General Ledger Transaction

General Description

General Ledger Transaction information source is mainly based on IFS/General Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on general ledger transactions in accounting currency, transaction currency and parallel currency for any accounting period. These amounts can be analyzed based on accounting periods, accounts, code parts, journal numbers, voucher types and voucher numbers etc.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1: To GL Voucher Rows Analysis window in Financials/ General Ledger

URL navigation 2: To GL Voucher Details Analysis window in Financials/General Ledger.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Consolidation Reported Balances

General Description

Consolidation Reported Balances information source is based on IFS/Group Consolidation. This information source can be used to design reports/analysis based on reporting and adjustment journals that are to be used in the Group Consolidation process.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Write back: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Consolidated Balances

General Description

Consolidated Balances information source is based on IFS/Group Consolidation. This information source can be used to design reports/analysis based on consolidated balances which are the result of the Group Consolidation process.

The information about consolidated balances can be analyzed based on consolidation structure, period, balance version, structure node, sublevel node and reporting entity etc. The analysis can be performed for the balances which resulted in different steps of the consolidation process.

Note: There are several consolidation transaction types generated during the consolidation process such as Consolidated Balances, Translated Balances, Profit Elimination, Ownership Elimination, Intercomany Elimination. Therefore, the reports should be based on the appropriate selection of consolidation transaction types.  Eg: Consolidated Balance Sheet should be based on consolidation transaction type 'Consolidated Balances'. If not the balances could be duplicated.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Write back: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart


Consolidated Balance Set Analysis

General Description

Consolidated Balance Set Analysis information source is based on IFS/Group Consolidation. This information source can be used to design reports/analysis based on consolidated balances which are the result of the Group Consolidation process.

The consolidated balances generated as a result of the Group Consolidation process are generated as accumulated balances for a given period. Therefore, these accumulated balances should be segregated to each period by using Calculate Period Balances process before used to design reports/analysis. 

The information about period consolidated balances can be analyzed based on consolidation structure, period, balance version, structure node, sublevel node and reporting entity etc. The analysis can be performed only for the period balances with the transaction type Consolidated Balances.

The report/analysis will retrieve data according to the configuration set by the BI Consolidation Balance Set Period Analysis Configuration in the IFS Applications. User can predefine which information should be retrieved to each accounting period using the BI Consolidation Balance Set Period Configuration, using the different balance versions based on budget or actual.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Write back: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart


Consolidated Parallel Balances

Consolidated Parallel Balances information source is based on IFS/Group Consolidation. This information source can be used to design reports/analysis based on parallel consolidated balances which are the result of Parallel Consolidation process.

The information about parallel consolidated balances can be analyzed based on consolidation structure, parallel consolidation structure, period, balance version, structure node, sublevel node and reporting entity, parallel structure node, parallel structure sub node/dimension value etc. The analysis can be performed for the balances which resulted in different steps of the parallel consolidation process.

Note: There are several consolidation transaction types generated during the Parallel Consolidation process such as Parallel Consolidated Balances, Parallel Transferred Balances, Rollback Intercompany Elimination, Parallel Dimension Elimination. Therefore, the reports should be based on the appropriate selection of consolidation transaction types. If not the balances could be duplicated.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Write back: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Internal Ledger Period Budget

General Description

Internal Ledger Period Budget information source is based on budget period amounts created for Internal Ledger in IFS/Budget Management. This information source can be used to design reports based on internal ledger periodic budget amounts in accounting currency and parallel currency with quantities for any budget version. Analysis can be extended to include accounts and other code parts including projects.


Variance analysis of internal ledger balances (together with Internal Ledger balances information source)

Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Internal Ledger Balance

General Description

Internal Ledger Balance information source is mainly based on IFS/Internal Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on internal ledger balances in accounting currency, transaction currency, and parallel currency for any accounting period for any account and code part. Quantity analysis based on accounts and other code parts can also be performed. In order to analyze the balances in detail, the drill down feature can be used where internal ledger balances can be drilled down up to related internal ledger voucher rows in IFS Applications.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: To Internal Ledger Transactions information source

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Internal Ledger Snapshot Balance Analysis

General Description

Internal Ledger Snapshot Balance information source is based on IL Snapshot Consolidation in IFS/Consolidated Accounts. This information source consists of a snapshot of consolidated internal ledger balances in a group of companies. Since this is only a snapshot, this information should only be used for internal corporate analysis purposes.


Snapshot analysis of consolidated Internal Ledger balances of a group of companies

Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL Navigation: Not available

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Internal Ledger Transaction

General Description

Internal Ledger Transaction information source is mainly based on IFS/Internal Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports based on internal ledger transactions in accounting currency, transaction currency and parallel currency for any accounting period in internal ledger. These amounts can be analyzed based on accounts, code parts, voucher types and voucher numbers etc.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1: To IL Voucher Rows Analysis window in Financials/Internal Ledger/Analysis.

URL navigation 2: To IL Voucher Details Analysis window in Financials/Internal Ledger/Analysis.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Supplier Invoice

General Description

Supplier Invoices information source is based on IFS\Supplier Invoices. This information source can be used to design reports and queries about suppliers and supplier invoices. Using this information source, supplier invoice amount and tax amount in transaction currency and accounting currency together with open amount for invoices can be analyzed in different dimensions such as company, supplier, invoice type, and the code string.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation 1: To Supplier Invoices Analysis in Financials/Accounts Payable/Analysis

URL navigation 2: To Supplier Invoice Analysis in Financials/Accounts Payable/Analysis

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note: Reporting Period dimension connected to Invoice Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Supplier invoice and payment analysis based on pre-defined reporting periods.

Supplier Open Balance

General Description

Supplier Open Balance information source is based on supplier open balance history information generated in Financials/Accounts Payables/Analysis. Supplier open balance history can be created with user-defined time intervals. This information source has information about open amounts per supplier invoices and can be analyzed based on supplier, company, invoice types, currency, code string and project etc.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures
nvoice Date
Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: Not available

Access Types


Supplier Payment

General Description

Supplier Payments information source is based on IFS/Payments. This information source can be used to generate queries and reports on Supplier payments at an abstract level of total payments.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: To Supplier Payment Transactions information source

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Supplier Payments Analysis window in Financials/Cash Book/Analysis

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note: Reporting Period dimension connected to Payment Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Supplier invoice and payment analysis based on pre-defined reporting periods.

Supplier Payment Transaction

General Description

Supplier Payment Transactions information source is based on IFS/Payments. This information source can be used to generate queries and reports on at the transaction level of the Supplier payments, combined with Supplier and invoice information.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Supplier Payments Analysis window in Financials/Cash Book/Analysis

Access Types

Online, Data Mart

Note: Reporting Period dimension connected to Payment Date is available in this Information Source, which facilitates the cross product reporting by using Information Sources belong to different product groups.
Eg: Supplier invoice and payment analysis based on pre-defined reporting periods.

Tax Ledger Transaction

General Description

Tax Ledger Transaction information source is mainly based on IFS/Tax Ledger. This information source can be used to design reports to analyze tax base amounts, tax amounts and difference in tax amounts for any accounting period.


Main Features

Zoom In: Available for all measures

Drill Down: Not available

Writeback: Not available

URL navigation: To Tax Transactions window in Financials/Tax Ledger

Access Types

Online, Data Mart