[IFS/BA End User Help Guide]

IFS Business Analytics Toolbars

Main Toolbar

Main Toolbar Icon Description
Login Opens the Login dialog. Use this to login to another database.
Order Reports Opens the Published Reports dialog box. Use this to view a published report.
Manage BA Export Archive Opens the Manage BA Export Archive dialog box. Use this to modify reports that are saved in the archive when exporting a Microsoft Excel report.
Report Book Opens the Report Book pane.
Go to Design Change the logged in mode from End-User to Designer.
About IFS Business Analytics Displays the About IFS Business Analytics dialog box. Use this to view information about version and build date. This is located at the bottom of the pane.
End User Help Displays the online help for end user mode. It is located at the bottom of the pane.
Execute Starts the execution of a report.

Report Book Toolbar

Report Book Toolbar Icon Description
Home Opens the start pane from where you can reach online help and about information.
View Parameters This is used to view any parameters which have been applied to a report.
Export to Excel Report Opens the Export to Excel Report dialog box. Use this to save and/or email an Excel report from the BA report. You can also save the BA report in the BA Export Archive to be used when importing from the Excel report.
Import from Excel Report Opens the Import fro Excel Report dialog box. Use this to import data values from an Excel report to a BA report.
Writeback Opens the Writeback sub-section of the Report Book pane.
Options Opens the Options pane.
View Used Information Sources You can view the information sources that have been used in the report.