[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Validate BA Report


This activity is used to validate BA reports which are published, saved or locally saved. Performing this activity, will list down all the metadata related errors in a given report. Therefore it provides an easy way to fix the errors in a given report, effectively and efficiently within a short period of time.


In order to perform this activity

System Effects

As a result of this activity, BA report will be checked for errors. If any errors are identified, error categories and places where the error occurred will be indicated in red.


To start with the individual validation:

  1. Open the relevant BA report which needs to be validated.
  2. Click Validate Report in the Report Book level to start with the individual report validation.
  3. Next the Validate Report dialog box will open and list down all the categories of errors related to the design of the report.
    Note: If the information sources which are used in the report get modified after the report creation, they should be validated before the execution.
  4. In the Validate Report dialog box, click the Actions button and select the necessary option from the drop down list. You can select Replace or Remove to do the necessary changes. Depending on the option you select, Find and Replace dialog box will open with the Replace or Remove tab enabled accordingly.
  5. If you select Replace, Find and Replace dialog box will open with the Replace tab enabled. Select the display item to be replaced by clicking the button next to Replace With data field. You can also select the places where the design item has to be replaced by selecting the check boxes below. When you click Replace button, existing data items used in reports will be replaced with the newly selected display item.
  6. If you select Remove option, Find and Replace dialog box will open with the Remove tab enabled. In the Remove tab, it will list down the occurrences and places where the design element is used in the report. When you click Remove, it will remove all the design element from the selected places.
    Note: Remove button click will remove all the design elements where the metadata item is used. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful before selecting the Remove option.
  7. Fixing all errors in the report manually by following the above steps, makes the individual validation complete. It can generate a fully validated report without any errors after the completion of the process.