[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Filter Criteria

This feature helps you to create a report by retrieving only the required data to appear in the executed report. A filter criteria can be defined for a report book, design sheet, design row, design column, design cell and pivot table. A filter criteria defined for a report book or a design sheet will be automatically be defaulted to any pivot table created in the report/sheet. If you need to view the complete filter criteria for any given level in the report click the Advanced tab and select Advanced Criteria. The Advanced tab also allows you to write SQL commands directly to the application in order to assign a filter criteria.

A filter criteria applied to an upper level will automatically be defaulted to its lower levels. For example, a filter criteria applied to the report sheet will be applicable to design rows in the sheet as well. It is recommended to give a filter criteria when designing a IFS Business Analytics report, since it may take a long time to retrieve all the information from a particular table.

Filter Criteria components

Display Item
Drag your filter criteria here.

Use this field to assign an operator to a filter criteria.

This field will display information about the filter criteria selected.

Use this option to select a condition from List of Values.


Apply Filter Criteria