[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Display Dataset before Execution


Use this activity to display the information about created datasets when a BA report is executed. During report execution one or more datasets are sent to the server to be executed and the resulting data sets are retrieved. These datasets are created according to the reports design. If the report design is simple then normally one dataset will be retrieved for each design row. However, the BA client optimizes these datasets before sending them to the server. Through this optimization logic the system tries to combine generated datasets with the main purpose to minimize the number of datasets sent to the server. By using this activity the user will be able to see the information about datasets that will be sent to the server and also how those datasets have been merged. The user will also be able to observe and to navigate to the corresponding cells in the report design for a particular dataset.


A report containing at least one measure is needed.

System Effects


Related Process Model

Analyzing Report

Related Activity

Disable Sheets during Execution.


  1. Go to the Designer Mode, Options tab.
  2. Select the check box, Display Dataset Info Before Executing under the debug options.
  3. Execute the report.
  4. Under Dataset Information you will able to see the information about the data sets sent to the server as well as the design row references for each data set created in the report.
  5. Click the button in the SQL column to see a simplified version of the used SQL.
    Note : The visualized SQL differs from the more complex SQL that will be generated in the server.
  6. User can uncheck the Enable check box to disable executing any dataset, to track errors or measure the performance.
  7. Select Continue.