[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Disable Sheets during Execution


Use this activity to disable sheets during the execution of the report. If Disable Sheets during Execution check box is selected, the sheet will not be processed during the execution.

This option can be used when analyzing the performance of a report. For example if the report has many design sheets and takes a long time to execute, one option is to disable all sheets except the one which is currently active and then execute the report. This execution will give the desired answer. If the enabled design sheet generates database queries that takes a long time, enable design sheets one-by-one to find out which design sheet causes the performance loss.


IFS Business Analytics report with more than one design sheet.

System Effects

When this option is selected, a message The sheet is disabled for execution appears on the relevant sheets in the end user mode. Therefore, only enabled design sheets will be executed and rendered.

Related Process Model

Analyzing Report


  1. Select the sheet to be disabled during execution.
  2. Go to Options tab in the sheet.
  3. Select the check box Disable Sheet during Report Execution under sheet options. The tab color of the sheet will change to gray.
  4. Click Execute.
  5. Go to the disabled sheet in the executed mode.
  6. Message This sheet is disabled for execution will appear in the sheet.