[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Designing a Basic Writeback Report in IFS Financials

Creating a Basic Modified Writeback report

  1. Open IFS Business Analytics.
  2. Click Go to Design.
  3. Select Budget Template Transaction from Select Information Sources dialog box. (A writeback enabled information source needs to be used for this purpose)
  4. Select the display items Account, Account Description from Account dimension and the display item Currency Amount from Measure Items and drag them in to the design area.
  5. Select the row and drag and drop Account as the repeater.
  6. Select the display item Year Period from Accounting Period Dimension and drag it to a cell above Currency Amount.
  7. Select the column that contain Currency Amount and Year Period and add a column repeater to the column using Year Period display item.
  8. Add a filter to the Design Sheet or to the Design Row for Company, Budget Process, and a Budget Template.
  9. Select the Currency Amount measure item.
  10. Select the Writeback tab.
  11. Select the Currency Amount  display item from the Select Field dialog box.
  12. Select Allow Modified Writeback from Writeback Settings  in the Options pane. The Allow Complete Writeback check box will be selected by default.
  13. Select Writeback Zero Values or Writeback Null Values if it is required. By default both options will be selected.
  14. Click Execute.
  15. Change the output of some of the figures in the executed report, i.e. change the figure(s) in the resulting data set.
  16. Click Writeback
  17. Click Collect Modified Datasets to select the figures that has been modified.
  18. Click Collective Writeback . The data that is written back successfully will be displayed in green and the ones that are processed with errors will be displayed in red.

Creating a basic Complete Writeback report

  1. Click Go to Design.
  2. Click Options
  3. Select the Allow Complete Writeback check box.
  4. Click Execute and change some data in the report.
  5. Click Writeback.
  6. Click Collect Data Sets this will pick all the figures from the report.
  7. Click Collective Writeback . The Allow Complete Writeback and Allow Modified Writeback checkboxes can be selected together. This will enable both Collect Modified Data Sets  and Collect Data Sets in the End User mode.

Creating a report to update IFS Applications using export to file

  1. Click Collect Data Sets.
  2. Click Export to File.