[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Change Writeback Settings


Use this activity to select the method of writing back information in to IFS Applications. The two methods used for this purpose is Complete Writeback and Modified Writeback. Complete Writeback will update IFS Applications with all data whereas Modified Writeback will only update the modified data.  

This activity can also be used to decide if you want the original database values of the writeback items to be available for comparison with the new values before you actually writeback the new values to the database.


Before changing the writeback settings make sure you have selected an information source which is writeback supported.

System Effects

The writeback setting selected will determine:

Related Process Model

Apply Writeback

Related Activity

Apply Writeback


  1. Click Go to Design and select a writeback enabled information source.
  2. Click Report Book.
  3. Click Options from Writeback Settings and select Complete Writeback and/or Modified Writeabck check box(s) as appropriate. If you select Complete Writeback all the items in the report will be written back and this may have an adverse impact on performance. Therefore it is recommended to select Modified Writeback  when you want to writeback only the modified items to IFS Applications.
  4. Select the Writeback Zero Values check box if you want to writeback zero values from the report into IFS Applications. If it is not necessary to writeback zero values then do not select this option.
  5. Select the Writeback Null Values check box if you want to writeback null (empty fields) from the report into IFS Applications. If it is not necessary to writeback null empty fields) values then do not select this option.
  6. Select Allow Comparison with Database Values check box if you want the original database values of the writeback items to be available for comparison with the new values before the new values are written back to the database.