[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Apply Filter Criteria


This activity helps you to create a report by retrieving only the required data to appear in the executed report. A filter criteria applied to a report book is automatically defaulted to its lower levels unless, another filter criteria is based on the same Measure Item or Dimension Item or, if it is defined in the Advanced Criteria tab.


In order to assign a filer criteria the basic design must have been created. The basic design should comprise of at least one repeater.

System Effects


Related Process Model

Apply Design Elements

Related Activity

Select Display Items
Apply Repeater
Apply Structure Repeaters
Apply Microsoft Excel Functionality


  1. Select  Report Book, Sheet, Row, Column or Cell to apply a filter criteria.
  2. Select the Filter Criteria tab, and drag the required display item from the Display Items pane in to the Filter Field.
  3. Click  Op (Operator).
  4. Select an operator from the Select Operator list.
  5. Click LoV (List of Values) to open the List of Values dialog box.
  6. If parameters are defined for the display item they will be listed in the bottom pane of the LoV dialog box.
  7. If there are any global parameters defined matching the data type of the display item, they will be listed in the Parameters tab of the List of Values dialog box. Global parameters will be listed below the Standard Parameters and Context Substitution Variables only if there are any Global parameters or Context Substitution variables to be listed.
  8. Select a value, parameter, context substitution variable or global parameter.
  9. Click OK.

Note: It is also possible to enter the operator type and operator value directly in the Condition field without clicking Op (Operator) or LoV (List of Values).