[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

About IFS Business Analytics Terminology

Dimension Data: Dimensions are the descriptive data that describes the measurements (measures) that business users wish to analyze.

Design Cell: Design cells are cells within Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with additional IFS defined design controls. For example, you may have cells with Zoom In, Drill Down and filter criteria defined.

Design Column: Design columns are columns within Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with additional IFS defined design controls. For example in a design column, you must have columns with repeaters and/or filter criteria defined.

Design Row: Design rows are rows within Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with additional IFS defined design controls. For example in a design row, you must have rows with repeaters and/or filter criteria defined.

Display Item: Display items are measures or dimension items used within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Drill Down: The drill down feature will allow the user to view the underlying data/data source related to a value. For example, you can perform a drill down from general ledger balances to general ledger transactions, which is the source for the general ledger balances.

Extended Repeater: An extended repeater connection is an option used to retrieve data using data items of dimensions that are not common to all the information sources used in a repeater. You can enter a row/column repeater with a data item from one information source and then create an extended repeater to retrieve data based on similar data items from another information source.

Fact Table: The central table in a star schema. This contains measure items and light items

Information Source: An information source holds information about a specific transaction table within IFS Applications and related dimension data (i.e. general ledger balances, budget template transactions). The star schema design is used to define information sources. Also refer Fact Table, Star Schema.

Inner Repeater: A non BA sheet is a sheet that can hold non BA content which can be retained for the consecutive executions of the same report. The content does not change when you switch between the designer and end user modes. The design elements of IFS Business Analytics cannot be applied to a non BA sheet.

Measure Item: These are items of measurable quantities such as amount, balance and quantity.

Light Item: These are items that add additional information for measure items and most often are non-measurable.

Filter Criteria: Filter criteria is used to limit the number of transactions/records displayed according to a specified selection criteria. For example, a filter criteria can be defined to display transaction relating to the current accounting year only.

Grid: Grids are areas of information in a spreadsheet that contains rows, columns and cells.

Meta Data: Meta data are measure, light and dimension items used in IFS Business Analytics. These items are initially retrieved from IFS Applications. Meta data is also referred to as data about data.

Pane: A dialog window that gives users a convenient way to use commands and modify their documents. A pane can contain one or more pages, and each page is broken up into sections and/or tabs. IFS Business Analytics uses the Document Actions Pane.

Repeater: Repeaters are used to repeat rows and columns in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. A row/column will be repeated based on the display item selected for the repeater. For example, if the row repeater selected is account, then the report will display all the accounts available in the database. Also Refer Extended Repeater, Inner Repeater.

Report Book: Report books are Microsoft Excel workbooks with additional IFS defined design controls. For example, you may have columns with filter criteria or parameters defined.

Report Sheet: Report sheets are Microsoft Excel spread sheets with additional IFS defined design controls.

Star Schema: Star schema is a structural data model which contains relational data items. A star schema consists of one fact table and many dimensional tables that are related.

URL: URL, the abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, in IFS Business Analytics relates to a web page of IFS Applications.

Zoom In:  Zoom-in will enable you to perform a detailed break down within the same information sources (data source). For example, if you perform zoom-in on a  general ledger balance amount then you can view the related general ledger information such as code part information and year-period information.