Activity Print Product Structure Multilevel Report


Use this function to print the Product Structure Multilevel report. This report displays the structure in part revision(s) specified in the report conditions. This report is available in Landscape format.



System Effects

Product Structure Multilevel Fields:

Field Group Description
Part Number Heading Part number identifier.
Revision Heading Part revision identifier.
Released Heading If available, date on which the part revision was released.
Obsolete Heading If available, date from which the part revision was obsolete.
Active Heading If available, date from which the part revision was active.
Part Name Heading Part name for the part.
Description Heading Description of part revision.
Cost Heading Part revision standard cost (or calculated cost indicated by *).
Level Detail 1 Structure level indicator displays the level number preceded by a line of periods proportional to the level number, the first level being displayed as +.1, the second as +..2, etc. (thus giving a visual impression of the detailed structure).
Part Number Detail 1 Part number for sub-part revision.
Part Revision Detail 1 Part revision for sub-part revision.
Name Detail 1 Part name for sub-part revision.
Qty Detail 1 Quantity of sub-part revision relative to local parent part revision.
Total Qty Detail 1 Total quantity of sub-part revisions at this location in structure.
Pos Detail 1 Position identifier of sub part revision in parent part.
Part Status Detail 1 The status of the sub-part revision. Possible values are: Preliminary, Active, Released, and Obsolete.
Date Detail 1 The corresponding date to the sub-part revision status.

Note that: 


Engineering Part Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Engineering Part Revision


  1. Select your engineering part revision in Engineering Part Revision and use the menu choice Reports/Product Structure Multilevel  or order the report Product Structure Multilevel  in Info Services
  2. Enter the following parameters according to the description below, then click OK:
Condition Field Value Default Description
Part Number: Mandatory   Specified part number.
Part Revision: Mandatory   Specified part revision.
Part Name: Optional % Specified part name.
Date Released after: Optional % Earliest release date for the specified part (i.e., Part Number: %). The format is YYYY-MM-DD, i.e., 1999-12-31.
Date Obsolete after: Optional % Earliest obsolete date for the specified part.
Date Active after: Optional % Earliest active date for the specified part.
Maximum Level: Optional % Specified maximum structure level.

NOTE: All conditions must be fulfilled for the products in the report, to avoid specifying conflicting conditions that result in a report with "no data found."