Define Symptoms for B2B Contracting


This activity is used to define symptoms to be used from the Business-to-Business (B2B) interface. The symptoms indicate a change from the normal operation of an object. This is useful when preparing a work order or fault report for troubleshooting and repairs and provides consistency as the symptom is selected from a predefined list of values. 


To perform this activity, discoveries must be defined in the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the selected symptoms are available in the B2B interface when reporting in a work order or creating a fault report.


B2B Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

B2B Basic Data
B2B Basic Data/Symptoms


  1. Open the B2B Basic Data page.
  2. Click the Symptoms tab.
  3. All Data is selected by default. Click Refresh.
  4. Enter a value in the B2B LOV Order field of the symptoms that you want to use in the B2B interface.
  5. Save the record. (F12)