Modify Voucher Type Information 

When starting to use IFS Applications the information on the voucher type must be modified. The voucher type information is used when financial transactions are created in the various components in IFS Applications.

When a new company is created, the system automatically creates function groups, voucher types, and voucher number series. The user group AC is linked to all voucher number series, except for voucher type YE - Year End Accounting. The user group YE is linked to the voucher number series for voucher type YE. Each voucher type is linked to a function group and has one voucher number series per year or per period if the Voucher Number Series per Period check box was selected when creating the company. User groups are also linked to the voucher number series that they will use. IFS Applications has several predefined function groups (see below).

The Voucher Types window in IFS/Accounting Rules contains information about the voucher types and the function groups in the company. IFS Applications has several predefined function groups. Each voucher type is linked to a function group and has one voucher number series per year. The number series are entered in Voucher Series Per Voucher Type. In User Group per Voucher Series, the user groups are linked to the voucher number series that they will use.

Translate Description

The description for the voucher type can be translated into several languages. This is done in Company Attribute Translations, which is reached via the Translation operation in the Voucher Types window.

Function Groups

The function groups in the list below are default when a company is created. The function groups are pre-defined in the system and cannot be changed. One or more voucher types can be connected to each function group.

Group Description Used in Component
0 Purch Non Inventory IFS/Purchasing
A Fixed assets accounting IFS/Fixed Assets
B Payments received IFS/Payment
C Consolidation IFS/Consolidated Accounts
D Multi Company Voucher IFS/Accounting Rules
E Personnel transactions IFS/Travel Expense
F Customer invoices IFS/Invoice
G Offset accounts receivable and payable IFS/Payment
I Supplier invoices, preliminary entry IFS/Invoice
J Supplier invoices, final entry IFS/Invoice
K Corrections IFS/Accounting Rules
L Inventory/stock movements   IFS/Purchase
M Manual vouchers IFS/Accounting Rules
N Mixed payment IFS/Payment
O Shop Order Operations IFS/Shop Order
P Project transactions IFS/General Ledger, project accounting
Q Preliminary balance at the start of a new company IFS/Accounting Rules
R Interim voucher IFS/Accounting Rules
S Employee Payment IFS/Payroll
T Time transactions      IFS Maintenance
U Payments IFS/Payment
V Time Transactions Work Order IFS/Work Order
W Payroll transactions  IFS/Payroll
X Accrual voucher   IFS/Accounting Rules
Y Project Work in Progress  
YE Year End Accounting IFS/General Ledger
Z Periodical cost allocation IFS/Periodical Cost Allocation