Payment Document Number Series


The Payment Document Number Series activity is used to enter, change, or view the payment numbers entered for the various payment document types. Payment number series is a unique form of ID for payments; it simplifies follow-up. You choose the document type for which you want to enter numbers, then state a valid from date, start value, end value and next number.

Only automatic numbering is allowed for document types Cash Received Documents and Cash Paid Documents.


This activity requires that payment series has been entered in Payment Documents.

System Effects


Payment Documents

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Document Number Series


To enter Payment Number Series:

  1. Open the Payment Documents window. Right click and then click Payment Document Number Series. Populate or query and select in the Series ID field the payment series for which you want to enter numbers.
  2. Double-click a line in the table or click on New to start entry.
  3. Enter Valid From, Start Value, End Value and Next No.
  4. Save the information.