Enter General Tax Office Info


Use this activity to create a new tax office and to enter general information, e.g., default language and country, or to modify information for an existing tax office. 



System Effects

There are no system effects as a result of this activity


Tax Office

Related Window Descriptions

Tax Office, Tax Office/General


  1. Open the Tax Office window.
  2. In the Identity field, enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the tax office ID
  3. In the Name field, enter the tax office name.
  4. n the Association No field, enter the association number for the tax office which will be linked to the Identity field. 
  5. From the Default Language list, select the language to use as the default language for the tax office.
  6. From the Country list, select the country that should be associated with the tax office.
  7. The Creation Date field automatically shows the date on which the record was saved.
  8. Save your changes.