Check Collection Level


Use this activity to analyze whether payments have been received for invoices/installments which have reached or exceed the collection level. The retrieved information can be used before starting debt collection routines or to interrupt already started collection activities.

If the analyzed payments include items which have reached or exceed the collection level, detailed information on cash account, statement number, company, customer identity, invoice series id, invoice number, invoice version and installment id is displayed.

The collection level check can be performed for mixed payments and manual customer payments irrespective of the status of the payment.


This activity requires that a collection level is defined in reminder templates, and that mixed or manual customer payments have been entered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity information will be displayed on matched items with collection level included in the analyzed payments.


Customer Payment
Mixed Payment
Mixed Payment Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Collection Level Information


To check whether payments have been received for items which have reached or exceed the collection level for a mixed payment or customer payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment or Customer Payment window.
  2. Search for the payment that you want to check.
  3. Right-click and click Check Collection Level to open the Collection Level Information dialog box. This window will display the results of the check.
  4. Click OK

To check whether payments have been received for items which have reached or exceeded the collection level for mixed payments:

  1. Open the Mixed Payments Analysis window.
  2. Search for the payments that you want to check.
  3. Select the mixed payment record that you want to check and, right-click and click Check Collection Level to open the Collection Level Information dialog box.
  4. Click OK