Create Document Access Template


This activity is used to create an access template for a document class. When a document is created, it will inherit the access restrictions specified in the access template for the document class. According to the access template, users will get view, edit or admin access to the document. Access templates can be enabled and disabled as required.


A document class must be defined.

System Effects

This access template will then be the default access template for the document class and will be applied to each document revision created for the document class.


Document Basic

Related Window Descriptions

Document Basic
Document Basic/Access Template


  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Access Template tab. 
  2. In the Document Class field query for a document class value. A value is automatically entered in the Description field.
  3. Double click on the lower table to create a new record.
  4. Enter a valid value for the Group ID or Person ID field. Use the List of Values to find and insert valid values. Enter a value in either field also enters a value in the Group Description or the Person Name field.
  5. To determine document access for the group or person, select any or all of the Edit Access, View Access or Admin Access check boxes. The access template will be enabled by default.
  6. Enter explanatory text in the Note field.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To add another row, repeat steps 3-6.