IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In

What is IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In?

The IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In feature in IFS Document Management provides a user-friendly technique to handle importing e-mails to the Document Management application from IBM/Lotus Notes. The e-mails become documents in IFS Document Management, with the e-mail and attachments connected as document files. IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In is an optional component.



In order for the Office Add-In to launch IFS Enterprise Explorer when using the URL option (see below), Microsoft Internet Explorer must be installed, but it does not need to be the default web browser on the computer.

Before installing IFS IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In you need to install IBM/Lotus Notes, start it, and make sure the My Widgets panel is enabled

If the widgets panel is disabled, go to File -> Preferences -> Widgets and select Show Widget Tool Bar in My Widgets panel

The two installation options

After this preparation, there are two ways to install the IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In:

General for both methods

Method 1 - Drag and drop link from IFS Applications Add-On page

This is the easiest method.

Method 2 - Using Update site URL

System effects

You should be prompted to restart IBM/Lotus Notes

With the implementation of IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In, a menu named IFS Applications is added to IBM/Lotus Notes. A toolbar button for importing e-mails as documents is also added.


The Settings option in the IFS Applications menu enables you to configure the language to be used for the IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In. You can also configure how to start the application, the path to the documentation files and the local check out path. Furthermore, when this procedure is used for one or more e-mails with attachments stored in IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In you can select whether to save the complete e-mail including attachments, attachments only, or have the option of deciding each time a document with attachments is imported.

Language: The language that should be used for the IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In feature. Change the language by selecting another language from the list. Click Manage Language Files to open the folder where you can add new language files. Normally, when you install IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In, you will get a set of language files for different languages, but if there is a need to manually install or change language files, then the location can be found by using this command.

Documentation base URL: The link used to access the documentation for IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In. Example: The language code will be added automatically.

Local check-out path: The local path into which your documents will be checked out. This value is the same as the value given for the local check-out path in the User Settings dialog box in the IFS Enterprise Explorer application.

IFS Enterprise Explorer: Defines how to start IFS Applications. This must be set up for the IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In feature to function. Select From URL and enter a URL if you want to open IFS Applications from a link (on the format http://servername:portnumber/client/runtime/). Select From path if you want to open IFS Applications from a file in your hard drive or a network share. Enter the path to the file manually or browse to the location. The value should be the full path and filename of the file Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.exe. The recommended way is to use the URL, since only then can the system reuse an already open IFS Applications instance when an e-mail is imported.

Save options: This option is used when saving e-mails with attachments. It enables you to select whether to automatically save the complete e-mail with attachments or to only save the attachments. You can also select the option to manually select how to save e-mails when saving an e-mail with attachments every time an e-mail is imported.

Once configured, click OK to apply the settings.


To uninstall the IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In feature just locate it in the My Widgets panel, then right-click it and click Remove. Restart IBM/Lotus Notes to make sure the plug-in has been removed.

For more information about IBM/Lotus Notes Plug-In, refer to the Import Documents using Lotus Notes Plug-In/Drag-and-Drop activity description.