Evaluation Assistant

[About Compatible Unit Configurator] [To Compatible Unit Configurator


Use this assistant to evaluate the configuration rules in order to create a compatible unit structure. It is possible to launch this assistant either by saving a completed configuration or by invoking the Evaluate right mouse option. You can either proceed with the assistant or cancel it for later evaluation. In step one, you can enter/view the mandatory information required to create the compatible unit such as Company, Plant, Site and Maintenance Organization. The availability of the rest of the steps depends on the existence of invalids in standard jobs, crafts, parts and tools caused by the early selection of Site and Maintenance Organization. Additionally, you can perform the evaluation as a background job if needed.

For the description of each assistant step, follow the appropriate link: Evaluation Assistant – Handle Standard Jobs, Evaluation Assistant – Handle Craft for Operations , Evaluation Assistant – Handle Parts, Evaluation Assistant – Handle Tools and Facilities, Evaluation Assistant – Summary.

Activity Diagrams

Evaluate Configuration


Evaluate Configuration
Create Compatible Unit