Enter Substitute Emergency Service Schedule


This activity is used to register substitute emergency (service) schedules. The substitute emergency schedule supplements the ordinary emergency schedule with the days that do not follow the standard cycle. You must enter the substitutes with the applicable accounting dates. Substitutes always override the ordinary schedule. If you leave any information out of the substitute emergency schedule, the corresponding information is retrieved from the ordinary schedule.

A substitute schedule can be linked to several different ordinary schedules. The connection is done on the Emergency Schedules tab.


Before registering the substitute schedules, the emergency types requested must have been registered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you can connect substitute emergency schedules to emergency schedules.


Emergency Schedule

Related Window Descriptions

Emergency Schedules/Substitute Emergency Schedules


  1. Investigate which dates have a different compensation than the normal standard week.
  2. Enter these dates and the corresponding emergency types in a substitute emergency schedule.