Enter Absence Category


Use this activity to enter absence categories. The absence category is used to categorize absence wage codes to simplify queries, and support the process of producing statistics. It is also used in the work time compliance calculation to define whether the time registered with connected absence wage codes should be calculated as absence or as work time. 

The following standard categories are available in the system:

You are free to supplement the list with the categories you need.



System Effects

By utilizing the absence categories, you extend the possibility to perform complex queries in the overview windows where the absence category field is present. You also define the method of calculating registered absences in the work time compliance analyses.  


Absence Category

Related Window Descriptions

Absence Category


  1. Rename system defined absence categories or create a new absence category in the Absence Category window.
  2. Enter a name for the category and check the Compliance Presence checkbox if wage codes connected to the category ought to be calculated as presence in the work time compliance comparison analysis.
  3. Save