Warehouse Data Collection Process

General Information

All the processes available in the Warehouse Data Collection window can be configured. By configuring the processes, different behavior can be achieved depending on the specific process features. Each of the available processes are described below. For general configuration options see the Warehouse Data Collection Configuration About description.

Handling Units:

GS1 barcodes:



Camera Support can be enabled in the following processes:

Attach Part to Handling Unit

The ATTACH_PART_TO_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Attach Part to Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Handling Unit/Structure/Unattached Inventory Parts In Stock tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Attach Part to Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Attach Part to Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Attach Part to Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Attach Part to Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Attach Receipt to Handling Unit

The ATTACH_RECEIPT_TO_HANDL_UNIT process ID identifies the Attach Receipt to Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Receipt/Details tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Attach Receipt to Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The Attach Receipt to Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Change Parent Handling Unit

The CHG_PARENT_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Change Parent Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Unit/General, Handling Unit/Structure, Handling Units In Stock, and Shipment/Handling Unit Structure/Handling Units tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Change Parent Handling Unit ID activity can be performed.

The data items in the Change Parent Handling Unit in Shipment process will behave according to the following:

The Change Parent Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Count Handling Unit

The COUNT_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Count Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Count Handling Units window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Count without Differences, and Count as Does Not Exist activities can be performed.

In addition there is a third option that will allow you to jump to the COUNT_PART process if counting on part level needs to be performed, for example when a Handling Unit is found to be broken. The COUNT_PART process need to be configured as a subsequent process in order for this feature to work.

The data items in the Count Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Count Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Count Handling Unit per Count Report

The COUNT_HANDL_UNIT_COUNT_REPORT process ID identifies the Count Handling Unit per Count Report process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Count per Count Report window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Count without Differences and Count as Does Not Exist activities can be performed. In addition to this you can also chose on which level to perform the counting.

In the Count Handling Unit per Count Report configuration the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Handling Unit window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU HandlingUnit in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Count Handling Units per Count Report process will behave according to the following:

The Count Handling Unit per Count Report process has specific details that can be enabled:

Count Inventory Part

The COUNT_PART process ID identifies the Count Inventory Part process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Count per Inventory Part window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Report Counting activity can be performed.

The data items in the Count Inventory Part process will behave according to the following:

The Count Inventory Part process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Count Inventory Part process does not support the following:

Count Part per Count Report

The COUNT_PART_COUNT_REPORT process ID identifies the Count Part per Count Report process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Count per Count Report window. With the warehouse data collection process, the Report Using Counting Report activity can be performed. If a counted quantity has been entered as a sequence number on the count report, the sequence number is considered as counted and the record will no longer be visible in the Warehouse Data Collection process.

In the Count Part per Count Report configuration the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Count Results window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU CountingResult in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Count Part per Count Report process will behave according to the following:

The Count Part per Count Report process has specific details that can be enabled:

Count Part per Count Report process does not support the following:

Note that:

Create Handling Unit

The CREATE_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Create Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Unit, Handling Unit/Structure and Shipment/Handling Unit Structure tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Create Handling Unit and Add Handling Units activities can be performed. Using this process it is also possible to create SSCC, Alt Handling Unit Label ID, and to print the Handling Unit Label and the Shipment Handling Unit Label.

The data items in the Create Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Create Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Create Handling Unit process does not support the following:

Note that:

Delete Handling Unit

The DELETE_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Delete Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Unit/Structure and Shipment/Handling Unit Structure tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Delete Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Delete Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Delete Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Deliver Customer Order

The DELIVER_CUSTOMER_ORDER process ID identifies the Deliver Customer Order process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Deliver Customer Orders and Quick Order Flow Handling windows. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Deliver Order activity can be performed. The available customer order lines to be delivered are filtered on the selected site.

In the Deliver Customer Order configuration, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Customer Order window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU CustomerOrder in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Deliver Customer Order process will behave according to the following:

The Deliver Customer Order process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order

The DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION process ID identifies the Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Delivery Confirmation of Customer Orders window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Delivery Confirmation activity can be performed. When the session is started, the selected site is used as a filter for the customer order deliveries. For more explanation, see the Warehouse Data Collection About description.

The data items in the Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order process will behave according to the following:

The Delivery Confirmation of Customer Oder process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Find Inventory

The FIND_INVENTORY process ID identifies the Find Inventory process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. This process does not correspond to a specific activity, it can be compared to doing a query by selecting the Search button, or by pressing F3, in the Inventory Part in Stock window. Note: This process have a limited query possibility and it is only possible to get information about a few attributes.

The data items in the Find Inventory process will behave according to the following:

The Find Inventory process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Issue Inventory Part

The ISSUE_INVENTORY_PART process ID identifies the Issue Inventory Part process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Issue Inventory Part window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Register Issue of Single Parts activity can be performed.

The data items in the Issue Inventory Part process will behave according to the following:

The Issue Inventory Part process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Issue of Material Requisition Line

The ISSUE_MATERIAL_REQUIS_LINE process ID identifies the Issue Material Requisition Line process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Material Requisition window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, an internal issue of material can be performed. When the session is started, the selected site is used as a filter for the material requisition line.

The Issue of Material Requisition Line process has specific details that can be enabled:

Kanban Replenishment Request

The KANBAN_REPLENISHMENT_REQUEST process ID identifies the Kanban Replenishment Request process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. With this process, the user can perform a replenishment request for an inventory part. The system will create the respective replenishment order in the background. (i.e., shop order requisition, shop order, purchase requisition, purchase order, or production line schedule for the part with a quantity equal to the value of Qty per Kanban field).

The data items in Kanban Replenishment Request process will behave according to the following:

The Kanban Replenishment Request process has specific details that can be enabled:

Manual Issue Shop Order Handling Unit

The MANUAL_ISSUE_SHOP_ORDER_HU process ID identifies the Manual Issue Shop Order Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Manual Issue Shop Order window Handling Units tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Issue Components Manually activity can be performed to issue components which are in handling units. The available shop orders that components can be issued for, are filtered on the selected site and status on the shop order. The status should be Released or Started.

The data items in the Manual Issue Handling Unit Shop Order process will behave according to the following:

The Manual Issue Shop Order Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

The handling units that are allowed to issue must be reserved handling units and/or having less than the remaining quantity to issue.

Manual Issue Shop Order Part

The MANUAL_ISSUE_SHOP_ORDER_PART process ID identifies the Manual Issue Shop Order Part process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Manual Issue Shop Order window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Issue Components Manually activity can be performed. The available shop orders that components can be issued for, are filtered on the selected site and status on the shop order. The status should be Released or Started. In the process, barcode ID can be used to identify the COMPONENT_PART_NO data item.

The data items in the Manual Issue Shop Order process will behave according to the following:

The Manual Issue Shop Order process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Manual Issue Work Order

The MANUAL_ISSUE_WORK_ORDER process ID identifies the Manual Issue Work Order process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is Manual Issue Work Order window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the activity Issue Material can be performed. The available work orders where material lines are planned are filtered on the selected site and the status on the work order, the status should be Released or higher (up to Work Done). The user can also filter available work orders by giving a date range where material required date is defined. When the user is given the range, it will give a list of work orders in which material lines with the required date lie within the given range.

The data items in Manual Issue Work Order process will behave according to the following:

The Manual Issue Work Order process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Manual Issue Work Order process does not support the following:

Modify Handling Unit

MODIFY_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Modify Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Unit/General, Handling Unit/Structure/Handling Units, and Shipment/Handling Unit Structure/Handling Units tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process it is possible to change width, height, depth, weight and volume. It is also possible to create SSCC, the alternative handling unit label ID and to print the handling unit label, handling unit content label and the shipment handling unit label.

The data items in the Modify Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Modify Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Move Handling Unit

MOVE_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Move Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Units In Stock, Handling Unit/Structure, and Handling Unit/Structure/Handling Units tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Move Handling Unit activity can be performed, this includes moving to and between quality assurance, arrival, and picking locations as well as moving into Stock. To use the move reserved stock functionality it must be enabled via the Move Reserved Stock setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab.

The data items in the Move Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Move Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories

MOVE_HU_BETWEEN_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is Handling Units In Shipment Inventory window, RMB Move. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Move Handling Unit in Shipment inventory activity can be performed.

The data items in the Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories process will behave according to the following:

The Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Move Inventory Part

The MOVE_PART process ID identifies the Move Inventory Part process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Move Inventory Part window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Move to Another Site/Stock Location and Move to Transit activities can be performed. To use the move reserved stock functionality it must be enabled via the Move Reserved Stock setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab. When the session is started, the selected site is considered as the from site.

The data items in the Move Inventory Part process will behave according to the following:

The Move Inventory Part process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Move Inventory Part process does not support the following:

Move Part in Receipt

The MOVE_PART_IN_RECEIPT process ID identifies the Move Part in Receipt process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Move Into Stock and Move Into QA windows. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Move Into Stock, Move Into QA, and Perform Put-away activities can be performed. When the session is started, the selected site is used as a filter for the available receipt lines.

The data items in the Move Part in Receipt process will behave according to the following:

The Move Part in Receipt process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Move Part in Receipt process does not support the following:

Move Parts Between Shipment Inventories

The MOVE_PART_BETWEEN_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Move Parts Between Shipment Inventories process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Inventory Parts in Shipment Inventory window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Move Parts activity can be performed.

The data items in the Move Parts Between Shipment Inventories process will behave according to the following:

The Move Part Between Ship Inventories process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Pack Into Handling Unit on Shipment

PACK_INTO_HANDLING_UNIT_SHIP process ID identifies the Pack into Handling Unit on Shipment process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Shipment/Handling Unit Structure/Unattached Shipment Lines tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Attach Parts to handling Unit activity can be performed. In Warehouse Data Collection it is only possible to attach, i.e. pack, the quantity of a shipment line that is picked.

The data items in the Pack into Handling Unit on Shipment process will behave according to the following:

The Pack into Handling Unit on Shipment process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Pack into Handling Unit on Shipment process does not support the following:

Park Warehouse Task

The PARK_WAREHOUSE_TASK process ID identifies the Park Warehouse Task process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the My Warehouse Task window.

Only a warehouse task in status Started can be parked and each warehouse worker can only have one started task at a time.

The data items in the Park Warehouse Task process will behave according to the following:

Process Handling Unit on Transport Task

The PROCESS_TRANSPORT_TASK_HU process ID identifies the Process Handling Unit on Transport Task process in Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Transport Task window. With this Warehouse Data Collection process it is possible to perform Pick, Unpick, and Execute. In addition to this you can also choose on which level to perform the action. Using this process, it is possible to change the value of the To Location No if required.

The data items in Process Handling Unit on Transport Task will behave according to the following:

The Process Handling Unit on Transport Task process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Process Part on Transport Task

The PROCESS_TRANSPORT_TASK_PART process ID identifies the Process Part on Transport Task process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Transport Task window. With this Warehouse Data Collection process it is possible to Pick, Unpick, and Execute a transport task line. Using this process it is possible to change the value of the To Location No if required.

The data items in Process Part on Transport Task process will behave according to the following:

The Process Part on Transport Task process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Process Part on Transport Task process does not support the following:

Note that:

Process Shipment

The PROCESS_SHIPMENT process ID identifies the Process Shipment process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Shipment and Shipments windows. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Reserve Shipment Lines, Create Pick List, Print Pick List, Report Picking, Complete Shipment, Deliver Shipment, and Close Shipment activities can be performed. It is also possible to back-up to the Preliminary status from Completed status in order to enable making changes to the shipment and handling unit structure. The available shipments are filtered on the selected site, and only shipments in status Preliminary and Completed are available for processing.

In the Process Shipment process, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Shipment window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU Shipment in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Process Shipment process will behave according to the following:

The Process Shipment process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Reassign Handling Unit on Shipment

REASSIGN_HANDLING_UNIT_SHIP process ID identifies the Reassign Handling Unit on Shipment process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Shipment/Handling Unit Structure/Handling Units tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Reassign Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Reassign Handling Unit on Shipment process will behave according to the following:

The Reassign Handling Unit on Shipment process has specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Dispatch Advice

The RECEIVE_DISPATCH_ADVICE process ID identifies the Receive Dispatch Advice process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Incoming Dispatch Advice window header. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Receive activity on header can be performed. The available dispatch advices are filtered on the selected site.

In the Receive Dispatch Advice configuration, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Incoming Dispatch Advice window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU ExtDispatchAdvice in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Receive Dispatch Advice process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Dispatch Advice process has specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Handling Unit on Dispatch Advice

The RECEIVE_HU_DISPATCH_ADVICE process ID identifies the Receive Handling Unit on Dispatch Advice process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this is the Incoming Dispatch Advice/Handling Unit structure navigator or Handling Units in Incoming Dispatch Advice window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Receive Handling unit from Incoming Dispatch Advice window can be performed.

In the Receive Handling Unit on Dispatch Advice configuration, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Handling Units in Incoming Dispatch Advice window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU ExtDispatchAdviceHu in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Receive Handling Unit via Dispatch Advice process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Handling Unit on Dispatch Advice process has specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Part on Dispatch Advice

The RECEIVE_PART_DISPATCH_ADVICE process ID identifies the Receive Part on Dispatch Advice process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Incoming Dispatch Advice/Part Lines tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Receive and Receive with Serials/Lots activities can be performed. The available dispatch advice lines are filtered on the selected site.

In the Receive Part on Dispatch Advice configuration, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Receipts window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU ReceiptInfo in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Receive Part via Dispatch Advice process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Part on Dispatch Advice process has specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Handling Unit from Transit

The RECEIVE_HU_FROM_TRANSIT process ID identifies the Receive Handling Unit from Transit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Handling Unit/Structure and Handling Unit In Stock tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Receive Handling Unit from Transit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Receive Handling Unit from Transit process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Handling Unit from Transit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Inventory Part from Transit

The RECEIVE_INV_PART_FROM_TRANSIT process ID identifies the Receive Inventory Part from Transit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Receive from Transit window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Receive Inventory Part from Transit activity can be performed. When the session is started, the selected site is used as a filter for the part lines.

The data items in the Receive Inventory Part from Transit process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Inventory Part from Transit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Shop Order

The RECEIVE_SHOP_ORDER process ID identifies the Receive Shop Order process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Receive Shop Order window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Receive, Close, Backflush, Simplified Material Check and Auto Report Operations activities can be performed. The available shop orders are filtered by the selected site and status on the shop order. The status should be Released, Reserved, or Started.

The data items in the Receive Shop Order process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Shop Order process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Shop Order Handling Unit

The RECEIVE_SHOP_ORD_HANDL_UNIT process ID identifies the Receive Shop Order Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Shop Order window Handling Unit Structure tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Receive, Close, Backflush, Simplified Material Check and Auto Report Operations activities can be performed. The available shop orders are filtered by the selected site and status on the shop order. The status should be Released, Reserved, or Started.

The data items in the Receive Shop Order Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Shop Order Handling Unit process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Receive Shop Order By-Product

The RECEIVE_SHOP_ORDER_BY_PRODUCT process ID identifies the Receive Shop Order By-Product process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Shop Order window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Receive By-Product activity can be performed.

The data items in the Receive Shop Order By-Product process will behave according to the following:

The Receive Shop Order By-Product process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Receive Shop Order By-Product process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Register Arrivals

The REGISTER_ARRIVALS process ID identifies the Register Arrivals process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Register Arrivals window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Change Arrival Data, Report Arrival, and Report Arrival with Serials activities can be performed. The available source lines to be received are filtered on the selected site.

Also the user can pack the registering goods if defalut Packing Instruction (PACKING_INSTRUCTION_ID) is defined for the registering PO line or enter a Handling Unit Type (HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE_ID) during the process. Packing Rule (PACKING_RULE) will only be used when a Handling Unit Type is entered. Possible values for Packing Rule are listed below.

Single Handling Unit: A single handling unit of the type selected will be created. This can be used e.g. when items are packed onto a pallet in the arrival area.
By Part Capacity:     A number of handling units will be created based on the capacity for the given part for the handling unit type selected. This can be used e.g. when items arrive    pre-packed in a certain type of container where packing instructions are not used.

In the Register Arrivals configuration, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile client and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Receipts window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU ReceiptInfo in the Object Connections window.

The data items in the Register Arrivals process will behave according to the following:

The Register Arrivals process has process specific details that can be enabled:

Report Picking of Handling Units

The REPORT_PICKING_HU process ID identifies the Report Picking of Handling Units process in Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is Report Picking of Pick List Lines window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Pick, Pick by Choice, and Unreserve Pick List Lines activities can be performed. To use the pick by choice functionality it must be enabled via the Pick by Choice setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab. In addition to this you can also chose on which level to perform the picking.

The data items in the Report Picking of Handling Units process will behave according to the following:

The Report Picking of Handling Units process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Report Picking of Handling Units process does not support following:

Note that:

Report Picking of Parts

The REPORT_PICKING_PART process ID identifies the Report Picking of Parts process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Report Picking of Pick List Lines window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Report Picking, Pick by Choice, and Quantity Deviation activities can be performed. To use the pick by choice functionality it must be enabled via the Pick by Choice setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab. The process also handles partial picking if that is enabled on the order type or shipment type. The available pick list numbers are filtered on the selected site. With this process it is also possible to pack pick list lines into handling units if they are connected to a shipment and one or several handling units exists.

 The data items in the Report Picking of Parts process will behave according to the following:

The Report Picking of Parts process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Report Picking of Parts process does not support the following:

Note that:

Report Picking of Handling Unit Shop Order Pick List

The REPORT_PICK_HU_SO_PICK_LIST process ID identifies the Report Picking of Handling Unit Shop Order Pick List process in Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Issue, and Pick by Choice activities can be performed. The available pick list numbers are filtered on the selected site. To use the pick by choice functionality it must be enabled via the Pick by Choice setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab. In addition to this you can also chose on which level to perform the picking.

The data items in the Report Picking of Handling Unit Shop Order Pick List process will behave according to the following:

The Report Picking of Handling Unit Shop Order Pick List process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List

The REPORT_PICK_PART_SO_PICK_LIST process ID identifies the Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Issue, Pick by Choice, Un-reserve, and Create Count Report activities can be performed. To use the pick by choice functionality it must be enabled via the Pick by Choice setting on the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/General tab. The available pick list numbers are filtered on the selected site.

The data items in the Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List process will behave according to the following:

The Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List process has specific details that can be enabled:

The Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List process does not support the following:

Note that:

Return Handling Units From Shipment Inventory

The RETURN_HU_FROM_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Return Handling Units From Shipment Inventory process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Handling Units In Shipment Inventory, RMB Return. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Return Handling Unit in Shipment inventory activity can be performed.

The data items in the Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories process will behave according to the following:

The Return Handling Units From Shipment Inventory process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Return Parts from Shipment Inventory

The RETURN_PARTS_FROM_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Return Parts from Shipment Inventory process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Inventory Parts in Shipment Inventory window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Return Parts activity can be performed.

The data items in the Return Parts from Shipment Inventory process will behave according to the following:

The Return Parts from Shipment Inventory process has specific details that can be enabled:

Scrap Handling Unit

The SCRAP_HANDLING_UNIT process ID identifies the Scrap Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Handling Units In Stock window, accessible through the context menu, using menu item Scrap. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Scrap Handling Unit activity can be performed. The available handling units are filtered based on the selected site and location.

The data items in Scrap Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Scrap Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Scrap Handling Units in Shipment Inventory

The SCRAP_HU_IN_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Scrap Handling Units in Shipment Inventory process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Handling Units In Shipment Inventory, RMB Scrap. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Scrap Handling Unit in Shipment Inventory activity can be performed.

The data items in the Move Handling Units Between Shipment Inventories process will behave according to the following:

The Scrap Handling Units in Shipment Inventory process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Scrap Inventory Part

The SCRAP_INVENTORY_PART process ID identifies the Scrap Inventory Part process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window is the Scrap Inventory Part window.
With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Scrap Inventory Part activity can be performed. The available part lines are filtered based on the selected site and location.

The data items in the Scrap Inventory Part process will behave according to the following:

The Scrap Inventory Part process has specific details that can be enabled:

Scrap Parts in Shipment Inventory

The SCRAP_PARTS_IN_SHIP_INV process ID identifies the Scrap Parts in Shipment Inventory process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window is the Inventory Parts in Shipment Inventory window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Scrap Parts activity can be performed.

The data items in the Scrap Parts in Shipment Inventory process will behave according to the following

The Scrap Parts from Shipment Inventory process has specific details that can be enabled:

Start Count Report

The START_COUNT_REPORT process ID identifies the Start Count Report process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Count per Count Report window. The Start Count Report process continues using the Count Handling Unit per Count Report process or Count Part per Count Report process.

The data items in the Start Count Report process will behave according to the following:

The Start Count Report process has specific details that can be enabled:

Start Picking

The START_PICKING process ID identifies the Start Picking Process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is theReport Picking of Pick List Lines window. The Start Picking process continues using the Report Picking of Parts process or Report Picking of Handling Units process.

The data items in the Start Picking process will behave according to the following:

The Start Picking Process process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Start Shop Order Picking

The START_SHOP_ORDER_PICKING process ID identifies the Start Shop Order Picking Process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is theReport Picking of Shop Order Pick List window. The Start Shop Order Picking process continues using the Report Picking of Part Shop Order Pick List process or Report Picking of Handling Unit Shop Order Pick List process.

The data items in the Start Shop Order Picking process will behave according to the following:

The Start Shop Order Picking process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Start Transport Task

The START_TRANSPORT_TASK process ID identifies the Start Transport Task Process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is theTransport Task window. The Start Transport Task process continues using the Process Part on Transport Task process or Process Handling Unit on Transport Task process.

The data items in the Start Transport Task process will behave according to the following:

The Start Transport Task process has specific details that can be enabled:

Note that:

Start Warehouse Task

The START_WAREHOUSE_TASK process ID identifies the Start Warehouse Task process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the My Warehouse Task window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, warehouse tasks can be started for the warehouse worker that corresponds to the logged on, or chosen, user.

The WORKER_ID data item should be the first item in the configuration.

The data items in the Start Warehouse Task process will behave according to the following:

The Start Warehouse Task process has process specific details that can be enabled. It controls how the List of Values for data item TASK_ID is sorted. If the flag SORT_ON_OPERATIONAL_PRIORITY is not selected the priority order is:

If the flag SORT_ON_OPERATIONAL_PRIORITY is selected the priority order is:

Unattach Part from Handling Unit

The UNATTACH_PART_FROM_HANDL_UNIT process ID identifies the Unattach Part from Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Handling Unit/Structure and Handling Unit/Structure/Handling Units tabs. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Unattach Part from Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Unattach Part from Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Unattach Part from Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Unattach Receipt from Handling Unit

The UNATTACH_RECEIPT_FROM_HU process ID identifies the Unattach Receipt from Handling Unit process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Receipt/Details tab. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Unattach Receipt from Handling Unit activity can be performed.

The data items in the Unattach Part from Handling Unit process will behave according to the following:

The Unattach Receipt from Handling Unit process has specific details that can be enabled:

Unissue Work Order

The UNISSUE_WORK_ORDER process ID identifies the process Unissue Work Order in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard window for this is the Unissue Maintenance Material Requisition window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process the Unissue Material activity can be performed. The available Work Orders where materials are issued are filtered on the selected site and the status on the work order should be Released or higher (up to Work Done).

The data items in Unissue Work Order process will behave according to the below bullets:

The Unissue Work Order process has specific details that can be enabled:

The process Unissue Work Order does not support the following:

Unpack from Handling Unit on Shipment

The UNPACK_PART_FROM_HU_SHIP process ID identifies the process Unpack from Handling Unit on Shipment in the Warehouse Data Collection window. With the Warehouse Data Collection process it is possible to unpack parts from a Handling Unit connected to a shipment pick list which is already picked. This process will unpack parts by removing the shipment attached reservation and also remove the attached quantity from the handling unit at the same time. It is possible to re-pack again with the Pack into Handling Unit on Shipment process.

The Unpack from Handling Unit in Shipment process has process specific details that can be enabled:

The Unpack from Handling Unit in Shipment process does not support the following:

Unplanned Issue Work Order

The UNPLANNED_ISSUE_WORK_ORDER process ID identifies the process Unplanned Issue Work Order in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The available work orders where materials are issued are filtered on the selected site and the status on the work order should be Released or higher (up to Work Done). A new material order is always created for each occurrence of issuing with system date as the date required on requisition line and as the due date on the material requisition order.

The data items in Unplanned Issue Work Order process will behave according to the following:

The Unplanned Issue Work Order process has specific details that can be enabled: