Lease Accounting/Amortization Schedule

[To Fixed Assets Accounting]


Use this window to view and modify the amortization schedule created based on the information entered on header and the General tab of the Lease Accounting window.

Also, using the right mouse button option Change Base Index on a selected schedule line, the base lease index values can be updated to reflect them in the future cash flows.

You can use the right mouse button option Regenerate Amortization Schedule to regenerate the amortization schedule by recalculating the present value of the entire cash flows and the other calculations therein.

After activating the lease contract, recognition postings can also be created from this window by using the right mouse button option Create Recognition Posting for the right-of-use asset and the lease liability.

Activity Diagrams

Create Amortization Schedule
Create Recognition Posting
Modify Lease Contract


Create Amortization Schedule
Regenerate Amortization Schedule
Create Recognition Posting
Change Base Index