Shop Orders | Production Line Management/Shop Orders

[About Shop Order] [About Shop Order Operation] [About Manufacturing Visualizer] [About Visualization for Labor Availability] [About Visualization for Machine Availability] [About Visualization for Part Availability] [About Visualization for Shop Orders Material Availability]

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Batch Balancing] [To Shop Order Planning] [To Shop Order Manufacturing] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order] [To Takt Time Planning]


Use this window to view, enter, and revise shop orders. Click Visualization View to view and take actions on the data in a diagrammatic form.

Note that when accessed from Production Line Management/Shop Orders tab, it shows shop orders in status Planned, Released, Reserved, Started and Parked connected to the relevant production line only.

Available Visualization Charts

Inventory Part Availability Planning
Shop Orders Material Availability Summary
Shop Order Material Lines Availability
Shop Orders Material Availability
Shop Order Material Demand - Supplies Cover Demand
Shop Order Material Demand - Need Orders
Shop Order Material Demand - Shortage
Machine Load Summary
Machine Load In Standard Hours
Machine Operation Load In Standard Hours
Machine Load
Shop Order Machine Load
Labor Load Summary
Labor Load In Standard Hours
Labor Operation Load In Standard Hours
Labor Load
Shop Order Labor Load

Activity Diagrams

Create shop order
Handle shop order
Handle shop order batch and serial tracking
Handle shop order configuration
Handle shop order material and operations
Handle shop order reports
Handle shop orders split and merge
Balance supply to parent demands
Handle repair shop order
Plan shop order resource availability infinite
Plan shop order material availability
Issue shop order components
Receive shop order
Create material review board case
Handle multilevel repair shop order
Perform CRP
Reserve components
Manage manufacturing visualizer


Create shop order manually
Create multilevel repair shop order
Plan shop order
Create batch balance from supply
Release shop order
Open shop order
Cancel shop order
Park shop order
Unpark shop order
Close shop order
Create shop order pick list
Print shop order work instruction report
Analyze shop order material availability
Replace all to alternate components
Reserve shop order automatically
Reserve operation-linked material
Unreserve material
Issue components automatically
Unissue all material
Merge shop order into shop order
Perform shop order split
Reserve serial numbers for shop order
Change scheduling direction
Change lot size
Change due date
Receive shop order automatically
Receive shop order with reserved serials
Receive shop order with reserved lots
Match lots to serials and receive shop order
Unreceive shop order
Redefine shop order type
Create MRB case
View configuration
Edit configuration
Create configuration
Change owning customer on shop order
Connect to activity
Disconnect from activity 
Schedule shop order
Configure visualizer settings
Select visualization