Production Line Management

[About Production Line] [About Production Line Management] [About Takt Time Calculation] [About Production Line Rates] [About Production Schedule Load Methods] [About Proposed Production Schedule]

[To Takt Time Planning] [To Production Schedule Planning] [To Production Schedule Manufacturing]


Use this window to access and manipulate production line management information. You can define the line operating parameters, pull line demand, calculate the takt time, define the line rate. You can also query for simple line balancing, generate proposed schedules, convert proposed schedule to real schedule, or shop order requisitions, analyze the line loads, access the work instruction report, and access to quality information. 

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Takt Time Calc, Demand Details, Line Rates, Operation Analysis, Proposed Schedule, Current Production Schedule, Supply/Demand Analysis, Load Analysis, Shop Order Requisitions, Shop Orders

Activity Diagrams

Establish production line run rate

Generate production line supply
Define production schedule
Handle production schedule
Production completion receipt
Report point receipt
Create shop order requisition manually
Handle shop order requisition
Create shop order
Handle shop order
Handle shop order batch and serial tracking
Handle shop order configuration
Handle shop order material and operations
Handle shop order reports
Handle shop orders split and merge
Handle repair shop order
Issue shop order components
Receive shop order
Create material review board case
Reserve components


Define line operating parameters

Retrieve line demands

Remove historical demands

Perform takt time calculation

Set production line run rate

Define line routing operation parameters
Perform line operation analysis

Create proposed schedule

Analyze production line supply against demands
Analyze production schedule load against capacity
Create production schedule from proposed schedule
Create shop order requisitions from proposed schedule


Define production schedule by line manually
Generate line schedule
Update structure revision and/or alternative
Check schedule component availability
Print production schedule work instruction report
Firm schedule Y/N
Report point receipt
Report point receipt with edit components
Report point receipt with catch unit components
Report point scrap
Report point scrap with edit components 
Report point scrap with catch unit components
Production receipt
Production receipt with edit components
Production receipt with catch unit components
Production receipt with serials
Production receipt with multi level serials
Attach parts to handling units for production schedule receipt
Production scrap
Production scrap with edit components
Production scrap with catch unit components  
Create analysis for production schedule part


Create shop order requisition manually
Merge shop order requisition into shop order
Create shop order from shop order requisition
Create batch balance from supply
Reserve serial numbers for shop order
Reserve lot batch numbers


Create shop order manually
Create multilevel repair shop order
Plan shop order
Release shop order
Open shop order
Cancel shop order
Park shop order
Unpark shop order
Close shop order
Create shop order pick list
Print shop order work instruction report
Analyze shop order material availability
Replace all to alternate components
Reserve shop order automatically
Reserve operation-linked material
Unreserve material
Issue components automatically
Unissue all material
Merge shop order into shop order
Perform shop order split
Reserve serial numbers
Change scheduling direction
Change lot size
Change due date
Receive shop order automatically
Receive shop order with reserved serials
Receive shop order with reserved lots
Match lots to serials and receive shop order
Unreceive shop order
Redefine shop order type
Create MRB case
View configuration
Edit configuration
Create configuration
Change owning customer on shop order
Connect to activity
Disconnect from activity 
Schedule shop order