MRO Shop Order/Details

[About Disassembly Shop Order] [About Repair MRO Shop Order] [About Assembly Shop Order] [About Shop Order]

[To CAMRO Disassemble Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Execute MRO Shop Order] [To CAMRO Assemble Overhaul Object]


Use this tab to review and revise additional information about MRO shop orders, including automated processing, state of material, operations and products and structure and routing details. Some of the information in the tab can be viewed but not changed.

Activity Diagrams

Reserve components
Automatic disassembly
Perform preliminary conformance check
Handle repair shop order
Issue shop order components
Report production quality
Report operations
Receive assembled overhaul object
Receive disassembled overhaul object
Receive repaired part into inventory
