Qualification Matching/Analysis/What to find

[Jobs and Qualifications] [Employee Development


Use this tab to find persons, applicants, employees, and jobs that match specific criteria.

In the tab header you can select what types of entities you want to find.

In the tab table, you can see "data sources" - entities that that supply people and jobs for matching. For example, if you select Employee in the tab header, and the table shows a Welder job in the IFS Racing company, it means that all employees from company IFS Racing, who have the Welder job assigned to them will be analyzed.

In the bottom of the window you can see the Data Selection Tool. Each tab allows you to pick different groups of people for analysis. You can select people (or jobs) based on their: competencies, certificates, education, work experience, organization assignments, positions, schedules, or jobs. Each tab shows this information in form of a graphical tree structure.
Once you decide on what to add, you can click Add Selected to add one item, or Add Branch to add the entire branch. For exampple, adding a whole branch from a company structure means that employees belonging to any organization unit in that branch will be analysed.

Everything added is displayed in the area on the right. Note: If you add several items of the same type, the effect is cumulative. E.g., if you add 10 organization units, a person has to be employed in any of those units to be included in the analysis. However, if you add items of a different type, the effect is limiting. E.g., if you add an organization unit and a position, only people who belong to the unit and hold the position will be analysed.

Once your selection is complete, you can click Load Data Source load all people/jobs that fulfil the selection criteria. You can also save the those filters by clicking Save. This way, you will be able to re-use them through the Saved Filters field.

Activity Diagrams

Run Matching


Define Data Source