Qualification Matching

[Jobs and Qualifications] [Employee Development


Use this window to find persons, applicants, employees, and jobs that match specific criteria.

On What to find tab, select what you are looking for. You can look for persons, applicants, employees or jobs that match your search criteria.
On What to match with tab, select what criteria you are looking for. This is done by selecting a job, qualification profile, employee, or a person that will serve as a pattern to which items selected on the What to find tab are matched. Following criteria can be analyzed: Competencies, Work Experience, Personality, Education, Certificates, Internal Work Experience, Physical Characteristics. Whoever matches the pattern (based on selected criteria) will be presented as a match.
On Run and view results tab, you can view the matches.

For more details, read tab and activity descriptions.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Analysis, Distribution List, What to find, What to match with, Run and view results

Activity Diagrams

Run Matching


Create Qualification Analysis
Define Data Source
Define Analysis Configuration
Create Distribution List
Run Qualification Matching