Export Options

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Use this window to select the classes (Item Types) to export and the items to export for each class (Item Type). You can also indicate whether to launch Microsoft Excel or save the export data to a file.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Include in Export: Select this check box to indicate that you want to export data from all objects of the corresponding class listed in the Class Name column.

Class Name: The name of a class that can export data. Select the corresponding Include in Export check box to export data from all objects of the class.

Launch Export Application: Select this option to indicate that you want to open Microsoft Excel and display the selected data in worksheets. A separate worksheet is created for each class selected for export.

Save Export Data to File: Select this option to indicate that you want the system to write the data to a comma-delimited text file. When you select this option and click OK, a dialog box prompts you to enter or select a file name. This dialog box appears only once, even if you are exporting multiple classes. The name of each file created consists of the file name you selected in the dialog box, with the name of the exported class appended to it. You can view this file using various external programs, including Microsoft Excel. However, the system does not automatically launch an external viewer.