Print Barcode Labels


This activity is used to print barcode labels after a pick list has been printed. The information on a barcode label for a single part includes the part number, serial number, lot/batch number, work order number, work task number, material order number, the location where the part was picked from and the barcode.

The purpose of this bar code functionality is to enable the identification of parts, i.e., to determine what purpose the part is to be used and also to make the picking process easier.


To perform this activity, the material items must have been reserved in inventory and the belonging material requisition order cannot be in the Closed status.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the barcode label will be printed.


Maintenance Material Requisition Lines
Maintenance Material Requisition
Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Pick List
Pick Lists

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Material Requisition Lines
Maintenance Material Requisition
Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Materials


  1. Open the Maintenance Material Requisition Lines window and query (F3) for your order number(s).
  2. Right-click on the record and then click Print Barcodes. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  3. Verify that the required print settings are defined and then click OK to print the barcode label.

Note: This procedure can also be performed from the Maintenance Material Requisition window, the Work Task/Materials window and the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab.