Approve Invoice Preview


This activity is used to approve an Invoice Preview. However, even after approving an Invoice Preview, it is possible to revoke the approval which will then lead to a new approval process.

Note: If the invoice preview is created with atleast one Service Invoice line having a Qty to Invoice of 0 (for example, when sales lines for material issue (+1 qty) and unissue (-1 qty) are merged based on sales part), it is not allowed to approve the invoice preview as lines with zero quantity cannot be invoiced to customer. These lines will need to be manually deleted before the invoice preview can be approved.

To invoice such sales lines (which produce service invoice lines of Qty to Invoice 0 when combined), the invoice preview will need to be created without selecting the Merge by Sales Part option.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Invoice Preview

Related Window Descriptions

Invoice Preview


To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Invoice Preview window.
  2. Query for the Invoice Preview that needs to be approved.
  3. Right click on the Invoice Preview header and select the status Approve or Approve Online

Or else,

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window.
  2. Query for the work order.
  3. Right click on the Report In Work Order header and select View Invoice Preview.
  4. Right click on the Invoice Preview header and select the status Approve or Approve Online.

Note: Approve is performed by a background job. You can check the status of the background job in Background Jobs. Approve Online the customer order will be created online from the invoice preview. This is set on the Site.