Select Equipment Location


This activity is used for selecting a location to filter the number of equipment objects displayed when ordering a service.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the location will be selected and its address will be displayed in the Order Service assistant. The list of available equipment will be filtered to only display the equipment objects at the selected location.


Use the following procedure to filter your equipment list when ordering a service from the Service Center lobby.

  1. Open the B2B > Service Center > Order Service assistant.
  2. Find the Location list on top.
  3. Click on the list arrow to open up the list and select a location. The list will contain locations connected to customer's equipment objects. The address displayed will be the primary customer address. If no such address exists, the primary location address will be displayed.

Use the following procedure to filter your equipment list when ordering a service from the My Service Center lobby.

  1. Open the B2B > My Service Center > Order Service assistant.
  2. Find the Location list on top.
  3. Click on the list arrow to open up the list and select a location. The list will contain locations connected to customer's equipment objects that has a valid service contract. The address displayed will be the primary customer address. If no such address exists, the primary location address will be displayed.