Verify Date Required - Material and Requisitions


This activity is used to verify required dates for material and requisitions connected to a work task. When you have specified planned start date on the connected work task, the required date for material issues is determined consequently.

When a material line is created, the planned start date is automatically suggested as the required date for the material. If the material line is created and the work task does not have a planned start date, the actual date will be used as default value for the required date. The required date will be updated if you add the planned start date on the work task after you have created the material line or requisition.

The required date on material line or requisition can be changed before releasing the work task. Thus, before you release the work task, you should verify that the required date is correct.


Before the information is verified, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the required dates for material and requisitions are verified.


Prepare Work Order
Work Task

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Work Task


Use the following procedure to verify the information on the work task in IEE:

  1. In the Prepare Work Order/Work Task tab or Work Task page, check planned start in the Planned Start field.
  2. In the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab or Work Task/Materials tab, check required dates for all material items, in the Required Date field.
  3. In the Prepare Work Order/Requisitions tab or Work Task/Requisitions tab, check required dates for all material items, in the Wanted Receipt Date field.

Use the following procedure to verify the information on the work task in Aurena:

  1. In the Work Task page, check planned start in the Planned Start field.
  2. In the Work Task/Material tab, check required dates for all material items, in the Required Date field.
  3. In the Maintenance Purchase Requisitions page, check required dates for all material items, in the Wanted Receipt Date field.