Remove Master/Duplicate definitions from Work Order


This activity is used to remove all existing master and duplicate definitions from the duplicate tasks on a work order.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, all master and duplicate definitions will be removed from the work order. The Duplicate Type field will be left blank for the work tasks. The work order in the graphical object structure will be updated to show all work tasks connected to the work order.


Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Structure
Work Order Structure/Duplicate Tasks


Use this procedure to automatically remove all master and duplicate definitions on a work order:

  1. Open the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary work order structure.
  3. In the graphical object structure, select a work order, right-click, and then click Remove WO Master/Duplicate.

Use this procedure to manually remove master and duplicate definitions from the work order. Note that you can only remove a master definition once all duplicate definitions have been removed from the work order.

  1. Open the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary work order structure.
  3. In the graphical object structure, select the master work task on a work order, and then click the Duplicate Tasks tab.
  4. Select the necessary duplicate work task(s), right-click, and then click Remove Master/Duplicate Definition.
  5. To remove the master work task, right-click on the row, and then click the same option.