Define Location


This activity is used to define a location. Locations are used to register information about the location of for instance an equipment object or a work order.

It is possible to enter new addresses to the location or fetch existing addresses connected
to parties (such as Customer, Supplier, Contactor, Owner, Employee and Company). An address must be defined as visit address and/or delivery address. A primary visit/delivery address per party can be defined for the location. The primary address can be changed over time for the location. Locations can be connected to equipment objects. Service requests/work orders inherit the location from the equipment and the corresponding primary visit address from the location.

One address per location can be used as the position address. The map position for the location is retrieved automatically when setting the position address. This map position is inherited to connected equipment and service requests


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Retrieve Address from Party 


  1. Open the Location or Locations window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Location ID field, enter the ID of the location. Entering a value in this field is optional and if no value is entered the location ID will be set to a sequence number.
  4. In the Location Description field, enter a name or a description of the location.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to associate an existing addresses to this location:

  1. Open the Location window.
  2. Click on the Addresses tab.
  3. Right-click and click Retrieve Address from Party. The Retrieve Address from Party dialog appears.
  4. Select Party Type and Identity, for example "Customer" and a customer identity from list of values.
  5. Select an Address ID from list of values and select one or both of the checkboxes Visit Address and Delivery Address.
  6. Press OK to associate the party's address with the location. This address can not be modified on the Location, but can only be modified at the source, e.g. at the Customer/Address form

Use the following procedure to define new addresses specific for this location:

  1. To create a address specific for the location, create a new record (F5). The Location Specific Address checkbox is automatically selected.
  2. Select Party Type and Identity, for example "Company" and a company identity from list of values.
  3. Select one or both of the checkboxes Visit Address and Delivery Address.
  4. Enter a new Address ID and save the information (F12).
  5. Select the line and press the Edit button next to the Address field. Enter address information in the Edit Address dialog. Press OK button.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Use the following procedure to define the address to retrieve map coordinates for the location:

  1. Open the Location window.
  2. Click on the Addresses tab.
  3. Select the preferred address record which should be used to retrieve the virtual map position.
  4. Right-click and select Set as Position Address. Note: If the address is correctly entered, the map position will be automatically retrieved in the attachments panel for the location.