Define Dependencies


This activity is used to define dependencies between work list lines within a particular work task template, PM action or Depencies between Tasks. The dependencies defined would be useful when rescheduling work list lines.


Work list lines must have been defined for the work task template, PM action and/or work order.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, work list lines will be connected to each other in a Predecessor - Successor (Parent - Child) relationship that can be used during scheduling.


Work Task Template
PM Action
Prepare Work Order
Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task Template
Work Task Template/Work List
PM Action
PM Action/Jobs and Templates
PM Action/Work List
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Work Task
Work Order Structure
Work Order Structure/Work Task
Dependencies - Work Task Templates
Dependencies - PM Actions


  1. Open one of the following windows:
  1. Click the Work List or Work Task tab. Create new work list lines if none are available (F5).
  2. Select one or more work list lines for which you want to define dependencies. Right-click and then click Dependencies (Alternatively you can use the List of Values in the Dependencies field). The Dependencies dialog box opens.
  3. Select the check box against the work list line that should act as the dependency.
  4. Click Save and Close

Note: You can also perform the above steps on the PM Action/Jobs and Templates tab. The changes made will be reflected on the Work List tab of the respective windows.