Create Repair Work Order


Use this activity to create a repair work order for a serial object or serial/ non-serial parts that is to be repaired. 


Before a repair work order is created, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a work order with the Work Request status is created. Work tasks will be created depending on the current position and repair action of the object/part.
In Active Work Orders the Repair Work Order check box is selected for the work order.


Create Repair Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Create Repair Work Order


  1. Open Create Repair Work Order Assistant.
  2. Select whether to repair a Serial Object or a Serial/Non-serial part.

If Serial Object option is selected,

  1. Define information related to the object to be repaired such as Object ID and Site.
  2. Navigate to the next step and enter appropriate values in the Directive, Maint. Org. , Earliest Start, Latest Finish and Reported by fields. In addition enter information about the repair workshop appropriately.
  3. Select Finish.

If Serial/Non-Serial Part option is selected,

  1. Enter the part number that is to be issued for the repair in the Part No field and the site to which the part belongs to in the Site field. Click List to select suitable values.
  2. If the part is serial tracking enabled part, enter a value for the Serial No field. Click List to select an existing serial number.
  3. Select an appropriate Action Type depending on the requirement.
  4. If action type Replace Part or Replace Part until repair option is selected, enter replacement part information such as Part No and Serial No appropriately.
  5. Navigate to the next step and enter appropriate values in the Directive, Maint. Org. , Earliest Start, Latest Finish and Reported by fields. In addition enter information about the repair workshop appropriately.
  6. Select Finish.