Work Order Planning Gantt

[About Work Order] [About Work Orders for VIM Serials] [To Work Order Execution]


Use this window to view a Gantt chart of the planned Work Orders. In this form it is possible to re-plan a work order/work task and to use "Plan" functionality that plans the work order structure according to the shortest time possible (critical path) to complete the work.

In the chart you will find a horizontal activity bar for each work order and work task. The length of each activity bar varies depending on the length of time between the work order/work tasks planned start date and the work order/work tasks planned finish date. In the chart it is also possible to view dependency-links between work orders and work tasks.

The color of the activity bars vary depending on the status of the work order and the work tasks. In the menu, available by a right-mouse button option, on the chart select Legend.. to view the color-scheme. It is possible to graphically view the progress of each work order  using this chart. Once progress is defined and calculated for a work order, the activity bar for this work order will be shown with a Black-and-White striped bar, which is placed within the activity bar, and the length of which denotes the progress of the work.

Work Orders in a Work order structure that is only used for grouping purposes will be denoted by a summary-bar. Summary bars for such grouping work orders are shown in Gray and marked with an inverted triangle at each end of the bar. The top most node is denoted in a dark gray color. You can collapse or expand the contents of a particular work order in the structure by double-clicking on the work order in the structure-navigator.

The settings-pane is available to the right of the chart. This pane can be toggled to be shown or hidden by pressing the button "Toggle Settings". In the Settings-pane the user can choose which time-scale to use in the chart, ranging from hours uptil months. It is also possible to define the time-range of the chart. By choosing a start date and an end date of the range and pressing "Set Range" the chart will be adjusted accordingly. To view detailed information about the work tasks in the chart the user can select the option "Work Tasks". This will show a detailed list with work task information in the bottom of the chart. The detailed list will show all the work tasks under the selected node in the chart. If the user selects the top-node of the structure, all the work tasks in the structure will be shown in the detailed list.

The calendar that is specified for the maintenance organization on the work task will be shown in the chart. The calendars will be used in the calculations when planning the work order structure or when manually re-planning a work task in the chart. In the settings-pane it is also possible to select if to show only working time for each activity. By selecting this option the non-working-time for each activity will not be shown.

The work order number and work task number is displayed in the left structure navigator together with the directive/description of the work order/work task.

Following is a list of changes that can be performed for work orders and work tasks in the structure, using the Gantt chart:

Note that the XGantt Active X component of IFS/Client must be installed before the Gantt chart can be generated in this tab. This is normally done as part of the IFS/Client installation process.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule with WO Planning Gantt


Create Dependencies
Plan Work Order Structure
View Calculated Progress