My Work/ My Assignments/ Pick Lists

[About Work Task Management]

[About Pick List] [To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning]


Use this tab to view detailed information on pick lists connected to the Work Task. It is possible to navigate through the pick lists through the drop-down option on the Pick List No field. The header displays details related to the pick list while the table displays details related to each pick list line.

A pick list line corresponds to a material requisition line. Each pick list can have pick list lines from a material order. Pick lists can be released, cancelled, printed and picked using this window. After the pick list is created (material has been reserved on a pick list), it is no longer possible to issue material from the pick list source (e.g. maintenance material requisition line).

Activity Diagrams

Issue Material


Pick All
Pick with Difference
Release Pick List
Print Pick List